70. I Found You!!

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Because Adam seldom ran the business, Kenneth probably didn't recognize him.

"Hello, I'm the guardian of the injured child inside."

Adam stretched his hand to shake with Kenneth.

Kenneth shook hands with him and said, "Sorry. My driver couldn't avoid the child who suddenly ran out of kindergarten."

Adam said, "The nurse said that the child is fine. I will stay and take care of him next. You guys can leave."

Kenneth winked at Stanley, and then Stanley handed over a business card and said, "This is my business card. If there is any problem, just call me."

Adam took the business card and smiled, "Alright."


The next morning, the results of the child's tests were all available.

The results showed that he was well.

Miley took the child home from the hospital.

Because they were going to climb the mountain the next day, Daren requested to buy a set of mother-and-child climbing suits with his mother.

The two of them slept at home for the whole morning.

In the afternoon, Miley drove him to the mall.

Miley waited in line for a long time, but when she returned from paying the bill, she found that the child had disappeared.

She circled around the shop and asked the salesclerk, "Miss, have you seen my son? The kid who just tried on the red climbing suit."

The sales clerk was helping another customer.

Seeing Miley being anxious, she looked around and said guiltily, "Sorry, I ... didn't pay attention."

Miley went crazy.

She turned around and ran out of the shop.

After she asked the staff of the mall to help with the broadcast, she looked from shop to shop and shouted, "Daren, where are you? Come out. Don't be naughty."

At the same time, Kenneth, who had just entered the mall, was guided by the manager to inspect the mall.

Kenneth couldn't help but frown when he saw the child in front of him.

He had seen this little boy in the hospital yesterday, hadn't he?

It must be fate.

He had just reached the fourth floor when he saw the little fellow who had been hit yesterday walk out of a headdress shop with a small package in his hand.

He didn't know why, but he stepped forward and blocked the kid's way during his inspection.

"Little fellow, are you Daren?"

Daren looked up at the handsome uncle and nodded, "I am. How could you recognize me?"

"Didn't you hear your mother looking for you? Why don't you hurry back?"

"Tomorrow is my mother's birthday. I secretly came to buy a birthday present for my mother. I'm going back now."

The little fellow smiled.

Kenneth was stunned for a moment.

Tomorrow was also Miley's birthday.

What a coincidence?

"Sir, you haven't explained why you know me yet."

"My car accidentally hit you and I sent you to the hospital yesterday. How do you feel now?"

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