53. News!!!

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Romeo crossed his legs and teased, "The Internet is so powerful, right?"

As soon as Romeo finished speaking, the ward door was pushed open hurriedly from outside.

Miley looked up and saw that it was Kenneth who came in a hurry.

Romeo was surprised. "My God, didn't you go to Japan? Did you come back by rocket?"

Kenneth gave Romeo a look and walked to the bedside to pet Miley's head.

"Are you fine?"

Hearing the message in the phone at the half-way break, he immediately terminated the meeting and flew back on the earliest flight.

Miley smiled and said, "I'm fine."

Kenneth said with a solemn expression, "Sorry, I went abroad for an important meeting yesterday. Our team was in the meeting all the way, so I couldn't call you...."

Miley said with a comforting smile, "It's all right. I'm fine."

Kenneth glanced at the iPad in her hand and frowned when he saw the photo on it.

"What is this?"


Miley turned over the iPad.

He grabbed the iPad and took a closer look at the photo.

Then he glared at Romeo.

"Romeo, tell me."

Romeo complained, "You scared me. Why are you so angry with me? Your wife was kidnapped. I happened to meet her and saved her. You should be grateful to me."

Kenneth said with his fists clenched, "Is the kidnapper caught?"


Kenneth was furious.

"Miley, how many times do I need to repeat until you can remember that I'm your husband?"

"I remember."

"Then why didn't you call me?"

Though handsome and elegant, Kenneth was so solemn as he said.

"I just don't want to cause you any trouble."

"Why do you think you're causing me trouble? We're married, but why don't you turn to me for help?"

Romeo exclaimed as he picked up the iPad again.

"Kenneth, you are in the news too. Look, how exciting this title is! The Singing Queen is haggard for the Rich Man Being Fickle in Love."

Romeo showed him the news.

There were two photographs on the news.

One was the silhouette of Kenneth and Miley standing together at the banquet.

In the other photo, Sarah went to the airport alone, looking haggard with her eyes red and swollen.

"Look at this."

Romeo laughed, "It said the Singing Queen was robbed of her love by an outsider. Kenneth, isn't your company's celebration always very strict? How were these pictures exposed?"

Kenneth took out his phone and called Stanley with anger....

Romeo left, but Kenneth was still somewhat angry.

He kept asking Miley, "Can you remember to call me first when you have any problem next time?"

Miley nodded obediently like a child and promised, "Yes."

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