80. Tell Me, Why Can't I?

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Miley ignored Kenneth and walked straight towards Adam, "Adam, why ... why are you here?"

Adam was a little embarrassed as he stopped glaring at Kenneth.

"It seems like I shouldn't have come."

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant." Miley knew that she had already hurt Adam.

"Sorry, I just...."

Miley was a little embarrassed.

She had just done something that even she felt disgusted with.

Adam smiled faintly.

"Where's Daren?"

"Daren is inside..." Miley pointed in the direction of the Cloud Water Villa.

"Inform Daren and I'll take you to the hotel."


Miley nodded and immediately did as she was told.

In the hotel, Adam booked two rooms.

He took Miley to the door and handed Daren to her.

Miley said in a deep voice, "Then ... I'm going in."

"Alright, have a rest."

Adam's voice wasn't loud.

He turned around coldly and walked to his room.

Daren said happily, "Mr. Jones, good night."

"Good night, Daren."

Miley carried Daren back to her room.

Seeing her worried expression, Daren lay on the bed and looked at her.

"Mom, your depression will affect me. Originally, I was in a good mood today."

After coaxing Daren to sleep, she still felt that she shouldn't hurt Adam, so she got up and quietly left the room.

After taking a deep breath, she came to Adam's door and knocked on it.

"Who's that?"

"Adam, it's me."

Miley's voice was very soft.

The door was quickly opened and Miley looked at him pitifully, "May I come in?"

Adam stepped aside.

Miley walked into the room and closed the door.

Adam sat in the bed.

He patted the bed beside him and said, "Miley, come over and sit down."

Miley raised her eyebrows and sat down beside Adam.

The two of them fell silent.

Miley felt a little embarrassed and took the initiative to say something.

"I'm sorry about tonight. I ... it's my fault. I won't make the same mistake again in the future."

"Miley, don't contact Kenneth anymore. I'm not happy about it."

Miley nodded, "Alright."

"What's more...." Adam said as he turned to her.

As he stuttered, Miley turned to meet his gaze.

When Adam got closer and closer, Miley's heart beat wildly.

As an adult, she knew what Adam wanted to do now.

At this moment, she was not nervous or shy.

She just wanted to refuse from the bottom of her heart.

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