69. Five Years

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Kenneth was going to rush forward, but was stopped by Stanley, "Mr. Kenneth, are you out of your mind? They have weapons. You will irritate them."

"Go away."

Kenneth pushed Stanley away.

His voice was almost hoarse.

Kenneth still crossed the street with his left arm hurting.

Blood immediately poured down.

Lily was so frightened that she stayed down on the lawn in a hurry.

Stanley put Kenneth down and shouted.

But Kenneth struggled and shouted, "Let my wife go. Let her go."

In the end, the kidnappers still failed to keep their promise and took Miley with them.

For the first time in his life, Kenneth felt that he was so useless.

He stood blankly in the dining hall that was locked down, looking at the blood stains along the stairs.

He suddenly felt so heartbroken.

Stanley found a bag on the second floor and ran down, "Mr. Kenneth, this is Madam's bag."

Something in the bag slipped out.

A B-ultrasound examination sheet fell on the ground full of blood after revolving for a moment.

Kenneth bent over to pick up what belonged to Miley.

When he saw the B-ultrasound sheet, he almost lost his mind.

Kenneth touched his forehead with his head slightly dizzy.

After getting Lily out of the restaurant, Stanley came back.

Noticing that there was something wrong with Kenneth, Stanley stepped forward to support him, "Kenneth, are you ok?"

Kenneth's voice trembled, "Stanley..."

"Yes, I'm here."

"We must save Miley."

'Miley, my Miley ... You must be safe and fine.'

The police and kidnappers fought to the death in the woods outside the city.

Although several kidnappers were killed on the spot, their leader was too cunning.

And they didn't save Miley finally.

Three days later, during a large-scale search in the mountains, the police found a charred corpse of a woman beneath the cliff.

It could only be verified by DNA because it was no longer recognizable.

It would take a long time.

But Kenneth did not give up any hope and continued to search.

He had been firmly believing that Miley would not die.

He hadn't have a proper rest for several days.

On that day, Jeffrey came to Kenneth just after Kenneth was secretly fed some sleeping pills by Stanley and slept.

Jeffrey was so drunk that he kept shaking Kenneth while grabbing his collar.

"Kenneth, almighty master of the New York, why can't you even protect your wife? I, Jeffrey, am nothing but rubbish. And I can't protect my niece. But you are Kenneth ... Miley and Abby are my only relatives. Kenneth ... Didn't you say you would protect her?"

Stanley let Jeffrey go.

Jeffrey knelt in front of Kenneth and said, "Mr. Kenneth, even if there is a little hope, please don't give up on her. She is a pitiful girl. She is my only relative."

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