Chapter 14

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Prussia walked down the stairs to the first floor of the school. He then saw France.

"Hey France!" Prussia greeted. France looked at Prussia and shot  him a death glare.

"Don't juzt ' 'ey' me" France replied in almost a scary tone

"Vhat did I do?" Prussia asked in surprise

"Canada iz my friend and you just 'urt 'im and America and then come to me like nozhing ever 'appened?!!"

"I didn't know zhat und I'm really sorry. I've apologised to him und America too und I really regret vhat I did"

"I don't care. Juzt leave me and my friendz alone" France then walked away. Prussia just stood there and watched France as he walked away. 'Mabye Spain doesn't hate me' thought Prussia and headed for the place Spain was when he wasn't in class.

When Prussia entered the room he saw Spain and Romano just sitting on two tables and chatting. Spain looked at Prussia who said nothing but just waved while smiling awkwardly.

"Hola~" Spain said in a cheerful tone he often used.

"Vould it be ok if I'd hang vith jou guys?" Asked Prussia hesitantly

"Of course" Spain signalled Prussia to sit down beside him and so he did. "So how you holding up amigo?" Asked Spain and now sounded concerned.

"I just feel like everyvon hates me now, und I get vhy people vould hate me, but it just makes me feel so unavezome"

"Wow. Never thought-a I'd hear that" muttured Romano and scoffed.

"I really doubt that everyone hates you. Your brother seems to still like you and I've got nothing against you" replied Spain, ignoring Romano's comment.

"But I hurt somevon zhat really matters to mein freund. Doesn't zhat make jou vant to punch me in mein pretty face?" Asked Prussia

"I'd like to-a punch your-a face" whispered Romano to himself but loud enough for Spain, who sat beside him, hear.

"Look man, what you did was really not cool!! But I'm not going to abandon you. I would rather try to help you to make things right" replied Spain and smiled, still ignoring Romano's comments.

"Zhank jou" Prussia smiled

"You-a are so-a stupido!" Exclaimed Romano

"Vhy do jou say zhat?" Asked Prussia curious and a bit annoyed

"Because-a there's no chance in-a hell that your-a boyfriend, or whatever, would-a forgive you for-a something as big as what-a you-a did!!!"stated Romano sure of himself

"... he's right. America, Canada und France vill never forgive me. Und if I try to talk to America he could ask Russia to kill me"

"I doubt Russia would kill you" replied Spain

"I hurt his boyfriend. Vouldn't jou be villing to kill anyvon who hurt somevon jou love?"

"Are America and-a Russia dating??" Romano asked surprised

"Ja. For a while now I zhink"

"Well I wasn't expecting that..." Spain said. "But however.. if you ever need any help. Just call me and I will help you" Spain smiled.

"Zhank jou so much" Prussia smiled back. "I have to go now und meet mein bruder before next class starts. Bye" Prussia then walked out of the room and away.

For a moment there was a silence but it was quickly disturbed by Romano.

"You really going help this-a guy?!!" He asked annoyed

"Of course I am" Spain stood up and walked to the door "I would kill for him if I had to" Spain said quietly and then he exited to room.

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