Chapter 97

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The next day.
England entered the school and walked straight to class where he saw China sitting alone with his head resting on the table. England walked to him and stood infront of his table instead of sitting down beside him.

"Are you allright?" England asked. China looked up.

"Not really"

"Is there anything I could do?"

"Leave me alone and don't talk to me again, please" China replied as he layed his head down on the table again.

"Oh.. allright" England said and then walked away and sat down in an empty seat in the back of the room. 'I really screwed this up!' England thought as he buried his face in his hands 'How could I be so stupid!?'

Russia sat in the classroom beside the one China was in. He sat alone and just stared into the air, not sure what he should do.

"Could I talk to Russia for a moment" a voice said from the doorway. Russia looked at the doorway but he couldn't see the person.

"Yeah, sure" the teacher said "Russia go talk to England"

"England.." Russia murmured to himself as he stood up 'what does he want?'.

"Hey, can I talk to you out in the hallway?" England asked as Russia approched him.

"Allright" Russia agreed as he walked out of the classroom and England walked out after him.
"What do you want?" Russia then asked as they stood in the hallway, about five meters from the door.

"I just want to apologise to you, I have said some really mean things to you and I'm the reason you aren't with China anymore. I have been really selfish and I sincerily apologise" England apologised.

"It's not your fault.. I have done alot of things that upset China so is it really any surprise that he broke up with me?"

"As most of the other countries know you guys did have some difficulties in your relationship but you always seemed to work it out. To be honest I didn't think you two would just break up"

"Well, we did and I don't think I could do anything to make up for it" Russia said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Allright.. I just wanted to apologise for what I did" England said.

"But.. why did you kiss me?" Russia asked curious.

"I.. I'm not really sure why I decided to do that. I'm not even sure what I was thinking at the time"

"Okay, I'm going back inside now" Russia said and then walked back into the classroom. England walked into his classroom in deep thinking 'why did I decide to kiss him?? A simple kiss couldn't make China that mad.. I know I don't have any feelings for Russia so what is it?! What the hell is going on with me?!!'. England sat down in his seat and started to read a book. He quickly lost focus as people around him started talking, but when he heard someone mention Russia's name he immideatly focused on that conversation.

"I heard zhat he vas kissing England! He just can't be trusted" Prussia, who sat in the seat infront of England, said.

"Are sure that's what happened?" France, who sat beside Prussia, asked.

"Ja! Someone saw zhem!!"

"Wow.. I didn't think Russia would do that to China, 'e seemed to love 'im so much" France said in a bit of a shock.

"He's so unavesome!"

"Prussia... you cheated on Spain.." France said.

"Und because of zhat he started dating Holland und now zhey're married so it's diffirent!!"

"Do you think Russia and England will start dating??" France whispered to Prussia.

"I don't zhink so. Everyvon knows zhat Russia beat up England und zhat England vas trying to break Russia und China up" Prussia stated.

"But.. Russia beat China up two times and China once 'it Russia and broke up Russia and America"

"Oh ja.. zhen I can just tell jou zhat Russia seems to be into veird relationships" Prussia replied.

"Excuse me!" England spoke up. Prussia and France turned around and both of their eyes widened.

"How long have jou been sitting zhere??" Prussia asked.

"Since class started. I just want to tell you that Russia did not kiss me"

"but somevon saw jou two kiss!!"

"I kissed him"

"What? Why??" France asked.

"That is none of your buisness so stop spreading rumors because there is nothing going on between me and Russia!" England said a bit annoyed.

"How can ve be sure?" Prussia asked while smirking.

"I heard somewhere that you and Am-"

"OKAY!!! Ve don't vant to say anyzhing ve might regret" Prussia said, cutting England off, and laughed nervously.

"Allright, then you'll stop?"

"Ja, allzight" Prussia agreed.

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