Chapter 152

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After a while of just staring into each others eyes, Prussia pushed Russia down so he was now laying on the bench. Prussia pinned Russia's hands down and just stared into his eyes.

"I've been zhinking about raping jou for a vhile now" Prussia said quietly.


"Shut up!" Prussia hissed "I even planned how, vhere und vhen I vould do it. I vant jou to feel filthy and disgusted vith jourself, but zhen I realized..." Prussia went off Russia "I don't even vant to be near jou. I couldn't live vith meinself if I vould fuck jou because it just horrifies me to even zhink about it. Jou disgust me! Und zhat's saying somezhing because I've been told a several times zhat I'm disgusting. I vill stop attacking jou, I vill act like jou don't even exist. I vill not vaste mein time on jou anymore, bye" Prussia said and then just walked away.
A while passed and China then came back.

"Hey, aru! Sorry it took so long, I ran int-" China stopped as he saw Russia "..Why are you lying down?"

"Prussia came" Russia said quietly.

"Where? Inside you?!" China said and laughed.

"He came here and talked to me" Russia sat up "and then he just left"

"Oh, good that he didn't do anything" China said and smiled.

"..I guess.."

"What? Did you want to get killed or something??!"

"Just give me the bandages, I'll put them on myself" Russia said as he stood up and took the bandages from China and was about to walk out of the room.

"Wait, did you want to get killed?!" China asked a bit worried.

"Just leave me alone" Russia said quietly and then walked away. China just stood there for a moment but then he walked out of the room.

Germany sat in the center space of the school at some table. He had his head laying on the table and stared blankly at the wall across the room from him. A moment later sat Prussia down beside him and layed his head down so his face met with Germany's.

"Hey, Vest!" Prussia greeted cheerfully.

"Hi, vhat do you vant?" Germany asked in monotone as he sat up straight.

"Vhy do jou look so depressed!? Ve should be celebrating!!" Prussia said with a wide grin as he jumped up from his seat.


"Because ve managed to make Russia miserable!! Vhat else!!"

"Zhere's nozhing good about zhat" Germany said as he looked at Prussia.

"Oh come on! Did jou even like him?"

"..Nein" Germany stood up "I guess not.."

"Alzight! But I zhink ve need to get to class now"

"Okay" Germany and Prussia then headed towards the classroom.

"Aze jou going to be alzight?" Prussia asked as they walked down some stairs.

"Ja, vhy vouldn't I?" Germany replied.

"I know jou like him"

"Zhen vhy von't jou let me be vith him?!" Germany asked and stopped walking, Prussia stopped too.

"Because I know jou're better zhan him. Jou aze nice, caring, sometimes strict but who cares und I know jou vould never huzt somevon jou love, but Russia is known for being intimidating und beating up two guys!" Prussia stated.

"Jou aze known for being arrogant, selfish, for raping, beating up Russia, jou've been to jail und jou've lied to me!! So should I just stop being around jou!?!" Germany exclaimed.


"Vhy not?!"

"Because I'm jour bruder und jou don't turn jour back on jour family!!" Prussia said with a serious look on his face "Jou just don't do zhat!"

"...Jou vent avay for a year vithout telling me vhere jou vere, jou didn't even call me"

"Vell.. I von't ever abandon, lie or do anyzhing like zhat to jou again!"

"But jou vill force me to break up vith mein boyfriend?!" Germany asked, annoyed.

"I'm doing it to help jou!!"

"Aze jou sure it isn't because jou're just zhinking of jourself!! Und in order to make jou happy I have to feel bad!?" Germany exclaimed as he pushed Prussia backwards so his back hit the wall.

"N-nein! Of course not!" Prussia said in a bit of a shock. Germany walked up to Prussia and grabbed the collar of his jacket. Germany leaned closer to Prussia so their faces were only a few centimeters apart. Germany glared straight into Prussia's eyes, making Prussia, almost, scared.

"I. Hate. Jou" Germany whispered. Prussia just stared at Germany.

"..I'll tell jou.." Prussia then said quietly.

"Tell me vhat?!"

"Vhy I don't vant jou to date Russia"

"I already kno-"

"I'm in love vith jou" Prussia said with a hint of tears in his eyes. Germany's eyes widened and he let go off Prussia's jacket.

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