Chapter 117

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The next day.
Japan didn't wake up until noon, which was very late for him. He went out of bed, got dressed and then went to meet Denmark in his room. Japan was going to knock on the door but Denmark had already opened it so Japan walked in.

"Good morning" Denmark greeted cheerfully.

"Good morning to you too" Japan replied.

"We're going to go back today right?"


"Do you want to leave now or later today?"

"Ret's just reave now" Japan said and then walked out of the room, and Denmark behind him.
"Shourd we carr a taxi?"

"No no, I have a car" Denmark said as he and Japan left the guesthouse and went to a parking lot.

"Since when??"

"I bought it a week before I left"

"You just bought a car to reave?"

"Okay no, I borrowed Sweden's car"

"Does he know you borrowed it?"

"Mabye, I don't know"

"You just took it??!"

"Well... yes"

"Oh my god"

"It's okay, we're going back now and I'll return the car" Denmark said as he sat inside the car.

"Arright" Japan sat in the front seat beside Denmark.

"Let's go then" Denmark said as he started the car and then drove away.
After about four hours of driving pulled Denmark over by some gas station.

"Why are you stopping??" Japan asked.

"If you need to use the toilet it would be best to do it now"

"But there are onry two hours reft"

"I know but it would be better to do it now, just in case"

"Okay, i'rr go" Japan went out of the car "aren't you going too?"

"Nah, I went to the toilet right before we left"

"Okay, i'rr be back in a moment" Japan then hurried into the gas station. Denmark reached for his bag from the backseat and took out the ring. He managed to put the bag back just as Japan entered the car. Denmark then started the car and continued driving. Japan just sat there and looked at Denmark from time to time. 'He looks so concentrated..' Japan thought.
The two of them had been driving for one and a half hour, since they started driving again, and Denmark pulled over in some empty parking lot.

"Why did you stop again??"

"Japan.." Denmark turned to Japan "You know I love you, right?"


"And you love me"


"I want you to know that no matter what happens I'll always love you"

"..Is someone dying?"

"What? No! Why would you think that??!"

"You're being so serious"

"I'm trying to be romantic"

"Oh, arright"

"I was made for loving you baby and you were made for loving me"

"...isn't that from a song?"

"Yes, okay! I'm not very good at being romantic"

"Just say how you feer"

"Okay. I feel like I want to be with you and.." Denmark stopped.


"I kind of want to fuck you right now"

" you rearry feer rike that?"


"But we're in your friends car"

"It's not like he and Finland ever did it in here if that's what you're thinking about"

"I'm not"

"Then what is it?"

"Is it arright if I say how I feer now?"

"Of course"

"I rove you and have roved you for a whire but I feer rike you don't actuarry understand that I want something serious, not just having sex in a car. I want to be with you for the rest of my rife! I want to wake up every morning and see you in the bed beside me. I want to be with you arr the time" Japan said as he took Denmark by the shoulders.

"So you don't want to do it in the ca-"

"Wirr you marry me??!" Japan then exclaimed. Denmark's eyes widened.

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