Chapter 71

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It was now sunday morning. England had cried himself to sleep last night and he felt like his head was going to explode. He stood up from the bed, got dressed and walked out of the house. 'I can't let this interfere with my daily life! I'm stronger than that!! infact.. I should go to France's house and tell him how I feel' England thought as he began heading towards France's house. When he was there he knocked on the door and waited for an answer. A moment passed but then the door opened. France stood in the doorway wide eyed.

"England.. I-"

"shut up!" England cut France off "I'm just going to say something and then I'll leave" England took a deep breath and then stared into France's eyes "I just wanted to say that what you did really broke my heart and there isn't anything that you could do to change that! From now on when we pass each other in the halls at school or in the street I will not say hello, I will not smile and nod, I won't even look at you so I excpect you to do the same. I don't want you to do anything that might disturb or effect me in anyway. We are now invisible to each other" England turned around to walk away.

"but Engla-"

"no!" England turned back to France "You may not say my name ever again"

"you can't order me to do that!" France said.

"do you love me?" England then asked, ignoring France's statement.

"oui, of course I do!"

"then just leave me alone" and with that turned England around. France just stared at England as he then walked away.
England walked away, feeling good about himself for just saying how he felt instead of hiding it.

"he got what he deserved" England murmured to himself as he stopped walking. He looked up into the sky and smiled.

"what are you so happy about?" a voice asked. England looked infront of him and saw America standing only a few meters infront of him.

"what are you doing here??" England asked surprised.

"just out for a walk"


"because I wanted too" America said.

"oh, yes.. of course"

"bye" America said as he passed England.



"can I ask you a question?" England asked as America turned around.

"sure, dude"

"why did you rape Prussia?"

"... WHERE DID YOU HEAR THAT??!!!" America shouted.

"I.. just heard someone saying it..."


"I just want to know what would make you do something as horrible as that to another person, especially after it was done to you"

"YEAH! BY FUCKING PRUSSIA!!!" America shouted annoyed.

"but now you're just as bad as him. Germany was also raped by him but he never raped him back" England said calm.

"FUCK YOU DUDE!!!!" America then stormed away. England stood still for a while but then continued walking. 'I like being so honest' he then thought as he smiled to himself.

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