Chapter 144

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The next day.
It was Monday morning now. Germany entered the school and walked to class. As he turned around the corner to get to the classroom he saw Austria walking to the same room. Germany then came in after him. Germany sat down in a seat and started waiting for the class to begin. A moment later walked Russia into the room and sat down beside Germany.

"Vhat aze jou doing??!" Germany asked nervous.

"Sitting with you" Russia replied.

"Jou shouldn't do zhat! Somevon could see us und tell Prussia!! He vill try to kill jou again!!"

"If you're so worried that he will kill me, then why are you bailing him out?" Russia asked calm. Germany didn't say anything for a moment but just stared at Russia wide eyed.

"How do jou know zhat??!"

"Prussia called me yesterday"

"Vhat did he say!?"

"He told me you are going to bail him out and that he will try to kill me again, but if that doesn't work he said he would torture me"

"Mein gott.. he's crazy!" Germany exclaimed "I can't help him to get out now!!"

"But you have to do it!"


"Because you promised you would"

"But he's dangerous!"

"It's probably for being locked inside for too long, he will probably get better if he gets out"

"Aze jou sure?" Germany asked with suspicion.

"The sooner, the better" Russia said as a slight smirk formed on his face.


"Vhy do jou vant to get him out?!" Austria, who now stood infront of Russia's table, asked.

"I don't want him to be in prison" Russia stated.

"Vhy not?!! He's a criminal!!"

"I want to talk to him"

"Zhen just go visit him or somezhing!!"

"I can't, it would just be trouble for him"

"Jou aze insane!!" Austria exclaimed and then walked away.

"Why does he want Prussia to stay in prison? Aren't they together?" Russia asked Germany.

"I guess not.." Germany said quietly.

Elsewhere, after class.
Spain sat alone in the cafeteria and then China sat down across the table from him.

"Any news from Holland?" China asked.

"He's going to be okay" Spain replied smiling.

"That's good, aru" China said as he smiled too.

"Can I ask you something?"


"Do you still talk to Russia?" Spain asked curious.

"No, he's usually with Germany now"

"I thought he would stop being with Germany after Prussia attacked him"

"Prussia is in jail so he doesn't have to worry about him anymore" China stated.

"I talked to Prussia yesterday evening and he said that Germany was going to pay to get him out or something" Spain replied.

"Seriously?! Do you think Germany's mabye trying to help Prussia to get Russia killed??"

"I doubt it"

"I wonder why Prussia got so crazy though. Russia just hit on Germany, nothing more.. atleast that's what I heard"

"Mabye it's an older brother thing?"

"I wouldn't try to kill someone for hitting on Japan. If I did that, Denmark would be dead by now"

"Do you have something against Denmark?"

"Not really, it's just annoying that out of all the guys in this school Japan decided to be with a loud, irresponible alcoholic" China said and sighed "but there's nothing I can do about it"

"Atleast he isn't with someone dangerous" Spain said reassuringly.

"Yeah, that's good"

"And Denmark seems like a okay guy"

"Sure" China said as he smiled slightly.

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