Chapter 34

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The next day.
Canada entered the school with Prussia.

"So Russia und America broke up again?!!" Prussia asked.

"Yeah. Apperantly Russia cheated on him with Germany" Canada stated. Prussia stopped walking.

"Aze jou saying Russia fucked mein little bruder!!!" Prussia started to get angry "I VILL KILL HIM!!!" Prussia exclaimed as he then ran past Canada and didn't stop running till he found Russia. He saw him standing infront of a classroom and reading a book. Prussia stormed up to him and looked furious.

"VHY ZHE HELL DID JOU DO ZHAT TO MEIN BRUDER?!!!!" Prussia shouted. Russia looked at Prussia.

"What did I do?"


"... thank you for reminding me.." Russia began walking away.

"DON'T JUST RUN AVAY!!" Prussia shouted. Russia stopped and turned around.

"Can't you just leave me alone?!!" Russia exclaimed. Prussia walked up to Russia.

"Not until jou explain vhat happened!" Prussia stated.

"Allright. Germany came to me! I didn't even ask him to come but he did and said he wanted to become one with me so he just jumped on me and started to kis-"

"MEIN GOTT, STOP!!!!" Prussia cut Russia off "I don't need zhe details!!"


"So jou're saying Germany came to jou??"

"Da, if you don't believe me then ask him" Russia said and then walked away. Prussia walked back to Canada.

"So.. did you 'kill' him?" Canada asked

"Nein. Apparently Vest came to him.."

"Are you sure?"

"I don't know, I'll go ask him. See jou in class" Prussia then jogged away. He was headed for the newspaper club. When he was finally there he walked into the room and saw Germany and Japan sitting at a table and talking. Prussia walked up to them.

"Hey Vest!" Prussia greeted.

"Oh, hallo" Germany said as he stood up.

"Did jou go to Russia's house to fuck him and then leave?" Prussia asked. Germany stood still for a while and looked at Japan and then back at Prussia.

"Vhy do jou ask?"

"Because I vant to know!"


"So did jou do it?!!" Prussia asked impatient.

"... ja.." Germany replied quietly. Prussia's eyes widened in shock.


"Because I vas helping China"

"How is it possible to help somevon by fucking somevon else??!!" Prussia asked confused.

"He vanted to get revenge on Russia so he asked me to go to Russia und seduce him vhile Japan vent to America's house und made him go to Russia's house vhere I vould be doing it vith him und zhen vhen America vould see Russia he vould obviously assume he's cheating und zhey vill brake up so Russia vill be sad so zhat China has gotten his revenge" Germany stated.

"........ vhat?"

"China vanted to get revenge on Russia so he aske-"

"I heard jou!" Prussia said, cutting Germany off. "But vhy vould jou agree to somezhing like zhat??"

"Because I'm lonely und I don't have anyvon to be vith like jou vith Canada or Japan vith Italy!!"

"So jou vant to be vith Russia?!!!"

"Nein... I vanted somevon to do zhe same zhing to me as jou did" Germany said quiet. Prussia didn't reply but just stared at Germany.

".. what?" Japan then asked confused from behind Germany. "What does that mean? What's going on? Can someone exprain?!"

"It's nozhing" Germany replied.

"So.." Prussia then spoke "you were just horny or somezhing??"

"N-nein!! I just miss physical contact vith anozher person"

"Like horny??"

"Nein! Stop saying zhat!!!"

"Okay.. I zhink I'll just go now und let jou be alone vith Japan" Prussia said and then walked out of the room.

"What did you mean by that you wanted someone to do the same thing to you as he did??" Japan asked confused.

"It doesn't matter because it vill never happen again" Germany replied quietly. Japan looked at Germany with a confused expression but then he shook it off.

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