Chapter 173

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"Vhat aze you doing here?!!" Germany asked both surprised and very irritated.

"I didn't do it!"

"How did jou get into zhe trunk of mein car, Austria!!?"

"I zhought zhis vas Prussia's car!" Austria said and coughed a bit "Und vhy zhe hell did jou strangle me?! Did jou zhink I vas a murderer or somezhing?!"

"I didn't know vhat to zhink, und vhy vould jou zhink it vas Prussia's car?! He doesn't even have a car!"

"Really? Oh.. vell, it's jour fault zhat I vent in zhere" Austria said as he went out of the trunk.

"Vhat?!! How?!"

"Zhis car looks like Prussia owns it"


"I don't know"

"Jou can't just make stupid excuses und blame zhis on me!!" Germany argued.

"Vhatever. Jou have to take me home now"

"I vill not!!"

"Vhy?" Austria asked.

"Because-a we're going to be late to meet up with-a Japan and Denmark at the church" Italy answered.

"Zhen I'll come vith jou!" Austria stated as he went into the backseat of the car and sat down.

"Jou can't just get in zhe car und expect zhat I vill drive jou!!" Germany said.

"I just did. Now vill jou please shut up und drive" Austria said calm.

"Don't tell me to shut up!!!" Germany exclaimed.

"Germany" Italy whispered to Germany "can't-a we just go and take him with us so we won't-a be late?"

"I guess" Germany sighed "..Okay, jou can come vith us Austria" he said to Austria.

"Zhank jou. Now hurry into zhe car und start driving" Austria commanded. Germany and Italy went into the car and Germany began driving.

"What were-a you going to do in Prussia's trunk?" Italy asked after a while of silence.

"I vas going to vait until he drove somevhere, zhen I vas going to make noises so he vould stop zhe car und vhen he'd open zhe trunk I vas going to jump on him und kill him" Austria stated.

"Why is-a everyone planning to kill someone??" Italy asked.

"Atleast I didn't throw America in a river vith Romano" Austria replied.

"Did you see that??" Italy asked nervous.


"And did-a you help him?"

"Vhat?! Nein! I didn't vant to get mein clothes vet!" Austria said like he was offended.

"Vhy did jou throw America in a river?" Germany asked.

"Well.. he raped me. Romano then came and-a helped me and then-a we beat him and threw him in-a the river" Italy stated.

"America.. raped jou?" Germany asked shocked.

"Yes, and-a you weren't there to protect-a me!!" Italy cried out.

"But.. I..." Germany stopped talking and just stared at the road infront of him with a sad expression. He didn't know what to say. 'I shouldn't have spent so much time with Prussia' he thought.

"You were always with-a your brother and didn't even think to say hi to me when-a you walked past me with him in-a the school halls!!" Italy exclaimed "It was like-a I didn't even exist to you!!"

"I-I'm sorry" Germany said quietly "he vas just so depressed"

"So what!! He may be-a your brother but I'm-a your boyfriend and-a your best friend!! And you just ignored-a me!!"

"I don't know vhat to say.." Germany said with tears in his eyes.

"Ha ha! Jou're just a little cry baby!" Austria mocked him.

"SHUT UP OR I'LL-A THROW YOU OUT OF THE FUCKING CAR!!!" Italy shouted furious at Austria. Austria's eyes widened and he shut up.

"I should have been zhere for jou" Germany said as he looked into Italy's eyes "I'm so sorry"

"Sorry won't change anything" Italy said harshly as Germany stopped the car outside the church. Italy then went out of the car, slammed the door shut and walked into the church.

"Wow.. I've never seen him zhis mad.." Austria said shocked "jou're in deep scheiße" he then went out of the car and walked away. Germany just sat for a while with a blank expression on his face, but then he burst into tears.

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