Chapter 170

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Germany sat on the bed in his room. He was reading a book and enjoying how quiet it was in his house. After reading a couple more pages, Germany closed the book and put it on his desk. He went out of the room and walked to the livingroom where Prussia sat on the couch and was watching something on tv.

"Hey" Germany greeted as he sat down beside Prussia.

"Hi, vhat's up?" Prussia asked as he looked at Germany and smiled.

"Not much.." Germany said quietly.

"Have jou talked to Italy lately?"


"Vhy not?"

"He's been vith his bruder alot"

"Mabye jou should talk to him"

"I vill tomorrow"

"Vhy not now?"

"Because ve'll meet at zhe vedding tomorrow"

"Oh yeah.. vill jou two go togezher??" Prussia asked curious.

"Ve haven't talked about it so I don't zhink so" Germany replied.

"Can ve go togezher zhen?"

"Sure, ve're bruders so it von't make Italy jealous"

"So.. ve're going as just bruders..?"

"Ja. I already told jou zhat I don't vant to date jou or anyzhing like zhat so can jou stop asking questions like zhis?!" Germany said a bit annoyed.

"Vhat if ve veren't bruders? Vould jou zhen date me??"

"Nein, if it vas like zhat I vould probably not talk to jou"

"Wow... zhat's good to hear" Prussia said with obvious sarcasm, and was very offended.

"I'm just saying vhat I zhink vould happen" Germany stated.

"Zhen jour zhinking makes me sad" Prussia said as he moved a bit away from Germany.

"Oh, come on! Jou can't be sad because I said somezhing about some stuff zhat might have happened if ve didn't know each ozher!"

"I can be sad about vhatever I vant!!" Prussia argued and stood up "I'm going to mein room" he then walked away.
'Vhy is he acting like such a drama queen now?' Germany thought as he watched Prussia walk away 'it's like he's becoming Austria... Oh mein gott.. that would be terrible!' Germany stood up 'I will never let that happen!'. Germany hurried to Prussia's room and opened the door, not even thinking about knocking first. Germany saw Prussia lying on his bed and holding a pillow infront of his face.

"Aze jou okay" Germany sat down on Prussia's bed and held his hand "If zhere' somezhing vrong I vant jou to tell me so I can help jou" he said with a soothing and reassuring tone. Prussia muttured something into the pillow but Germany couldn't understand it.
"Vhat did jou say?? Can jou put zhe pillow down?" Germany asked. Prussia shook his head. Germany got a little annoyed and took the pillow away from Prussia. Germany's saw tears in Prussia's eyes.

"I said go avay!" Prussia said as he looked away from Germany and at the wall beside him.

"I'm sorry about vhat I said earlier. I'm sure I vould talk to jou even if ve veren't bruders"

"I don't care about zhat, I vas just trying to find an excuse to get out of zhe room"


"To get avay from jou" Prussia replied. Germany's eyes widened and he didn't know how he should feel.

"..Vhy? Did I do somezhing vrong?"

"Of course not. I just feel like I'm making jou uncomfortable vhen I'm around, vhich makes me feel bad"

"Is zhat vhy jou vere crying?"

"Nein, I just heard somevhere zhat it's good to cry once in a vhile"

"Okay. But I vant jou to know.." Germany leaned down a bit so his face was closer to Prussia's "I'm not at all uncomfortable around jou" Germany said and smiled warmly.


"Ja, it's a little annoying vhen jou keep asking me veird, und sometimes inaproppriate, questions but it doesn't really make me uncomfortable"

"So jou like it?"

"Gilbert, nein. It's annoying" Germany stated.

"Okay, I'll stop.. for a vhile"

"...Good enough" Germany stood up "I'll leave jou alone now" he said and walked to the door.

"Could jou mabye.."

"Vhat?" Germany turned to Prussia.

"Could jou lay vith me for a vhile?"

"Ehh.. I don't know.."

"Please" Prussia smiled slightly "It vould make me feel better"

"I zhought jou vere fine"

"I'll be if jou're vith me"

"Hmm... okay, but only for a moment!" Germany said as he walked over to Prussia's bed.

"Yay!" Prussia cheered and smiled. Germany layed down beside Prussia.

"Vhat now?"

"Nozhing, ve just take a nap or somezhing"

"Okay" Germany went on his side and stared at the wall. After a while, Germany felt Prussia's arms wrap around his stomach.
"Vhat aze jou doing??!"

"I nap better vhen I have somezhing to hold"

"Oh, ehm.. okay zhen" Germany said and started to feel really awkward.

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