Chapter 157

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The next day, Wednesday.
Germany walked to school with Italy. Germany felt like he was developing some deep romantic feelings for Italy, not caring that they had just started dating yesterday.
When the they were outside the classroom, Germany looked at Italy who stood beside him. Italy just smiled, making Germany smile back. A moment passed and then class was in session. Germany sat down beside Italy. When Prussia, who sat a few tables away from the two, saw this he walked over to them.

"Good morning, I haven't seen jou two togezher in a vhile. Aze jou friends again?" Prussia greeted with a smile.

"Ve never actually stopped being friends." Germany stated.

"Okay.. but vhy don't jou sit vith me?"

"I vant to be vith Italy, because ve're dating now"

"Vhat?! Vhy? I zhought ve could be together!"

"Ve vill never be togezher like zhat. I'm just not attracted to jou" Germany stated.


"Because I like Italy"

"Vhat about Russia? Jou said jou really liked him but zhen jou broke up vith him! Und vhat vill jou do vhen he finds out jou're dating somevon else zhe day after jou broke up!? Italy could be in danger!"

"Really?" Italy asked.


"Nein, just stop it! I doubt zhat he vill huzt Italy. Zhe only von zhat vould be zhinking about huzting him ist jou!"

"Wait a minute!" Italy interrupted the brothers "Are-a you saying that both Prussia and-a Russia might try to hurt me??!"

"Ja, pretty much" Prussia replied as he looked at Italy and smirked. Italy's eyes widened.

"I'm scared now" Italy whimpered as he held Germany's arm tightly.

"He's not going to huzt jou" Germany said soothingly to Italy.

"Ja, I vill" Prussia argued.

"Just shut up und go avay!" Germany commanded.

"Well.." Prussia acted really offended "I see zhat I'm not vanted here, goodbye" he then walked away.

"Is he really going to-a hurt me?" Italy asked worried.

"Nein, he vouldn't huzt somevon as adorable und sweet as jou" Germany said as he smiled.

"Okay" Italy smiled and let go of Germany's arm.

After class.
Prussia walked around for a while but then he saw France. He walked up to him.


"Bonjour" France greeted.

"Do jou know vhere Russia is?"

"Russia? Why are you looking for 'im?"

"I need to talk to him"

"But didn't you decide to ignore 'im, or something like that?"

"Ja, but I just need to tell him somezhing"

"Oh, okay"

"So, do jou know vhere he is??" Prussia asked, a bit impatient.


"Zhen vhy did jou ask all zhose questions?!"

"I was curious" France said with a smile.

"Do jou know somevon who does know?"

"Belarus, Ukraine or mabye the Baltics"

"Okay, zhank jou" Prussia thanked

"No problem" France replied. Prussia then hurried away. He went to the choir room and lookes inside. There he saw Estonia, Latvia and Belarus. Prussia entered the room and walked up to them.

"Hallo" Prussia greeted.

"What do you want?!" Belarus asked annoyed.

"I'm looking for Russia" Prussia stated.

"Why?" Estonia asked.

"I need to talk to him"

"About what?" Latvia asked curious.


"Why do you think that he wants anything to do with you or your stupid brother!? He should be with me!!" Belarus said angry.

"Calm down! I only vant to talk to him, so vhere is he?"

"We don't know, Belarus is also looking for him" Estonia stated.

"Mabye he tried to kill himself again" Prussia said as a smirk formed on his face. Belarus took out a knife and held it against Prussia's throat.

"If he is in any way hurt I will kill you, and I will not fail, you pathetic and worthless piece of horse shit" Belarus said in a calm, scary voice as she grinned wide.

"H-holy scheiße.." Prussia whispered, terrified.

"You will now stop looking for him and get back to your miserable excuse of a life" Belarus pushed Prussia away and glared at him. Prussia ran out of the room and went straight to the cafeteria. He saw Spain sitting at a table with Holland and he hurried over to them. He sat down across from Spain and looked around the room as he panted.

"What happened to you??" Spain asked surprised. Prussia looked at Spain.

"Belarus is fucking crazy!!" Prussia exclaimed.

"Well, she is related to Russia"

"She held a knife against my throat!!"

"Oh, why?"

"VHY AZE JOU BEING SO CALM ABOUT ZHIS!??!!" Prussia shouted as he stood up from his seat.

"Hey! Don't yell at him" Holland said annoyed.

"FUCK YOU, YOU HAVE STUPID HAIR!!!" Prussia yelled at Holland. Holland grabbed Prussia's arm and pulled him down, making him sit back in his seat. Holland looked into Prussia's eyes.

"If you don't calm down I will have to punch you in the face" Holland said calm "and atleast I don't have grey hair like an old man" he then added and looked away from Prussia.

"Let's just calm down and talk without insulting each other" Spain said and chuckled awkwardly.

"All right" Holland agreed.

"Okay" Prussia said, pouting.

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