Chapter 159

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America just stared at Prussia who kneeled on the floor looking down. He could see tears falling down from Prussia's face to the floor.

"Dude, you're not nothing" America said as he kneeled down beside Prussia and patted him gently on the back. "You just need to get better" he said reassuringly.


"Tell Germany how you feel"

"I already did zhat"

"I mean tell him how it makes you feel when you're not with him, how miserable you are to see him with someone else"

"But zhen he'll just pity me!" Prussia looked at America "I don't vant him to be vith me out of pity! If he vants to be vith Italy zhere's nozhing I can do to stop it! Und besides.. he deserves so much better zhan me"

"So you're not looking for Russia anymore to get rid of Italy?"

"Nein, vhy?"

"Because I saw Russia just before I came here, he was in the stairs that lead to the roof"



"Aze jou sure?"

"Yes, but I thought you were go-"

"I changed mein mind" Prussia cut America off and stood up. "Zhis vas a nice chat" Prussia said as he wiped the tears from his eyes "bye" he then walked away.
Prussia hurried to the stairs that lead to the roof. He saw no one. 'He probably went out' Prussia thought as he walked up the stairs. He opened the door and walked out. He looked around and saw Russia sitting against the wall by the door.
"Vhat aze jou doing here? I zhought jou didn't like zhe roof"

"I thought you weren't going to talk to me anymore" Russia replied.

"I didn't mean it"

"I don't care"

"I just want to talk to you" Prussia said as he sat down beside Russia.

"About what?"



"Did jou know zhat he started dating Italy?"


"Vhat?! Zhen vhy isn't Italy dead?!!"

"Because I don't walk around and kill people for moving on"

"So.. have jou moved on?"


"Zhen vhy don't jou do somezhing!!?"

"I know that you love Germany and want to be with him but do you really think that me killing his best friend and boyfriend would do any good? It could only make things worse"

"How do jou know zhat?!"

"Everyone knows it"


"You're too obvious, so now everyone in this school, even the teachers, know that you're just some incest freak"

"I'm not a freak!!"

"You are in love with your brother, that's really weird"

"Zhen vhy don't I just jump off zhe roof?!!?"

"It won't help you with anything, or kill you. Jou'll just be in severe pain for about a week" Russia said calm.

"ZHEN I'LL JUST FUCKING KILL GERMANY!!!" Prussia shouted and jumped up.

"What?!" Russia's eyes widened "You can't kill your brother!!" Russia argued as he stood up to.

"I CAN DO VHATEVER ZHE FUCK I VANT!!!" Prussia yelled at Russia.

"I can't let you do that" Russia stated.

"If I can't have Germany can no one have him" Prussia said with a wide grin. He walked to the door but before he could open it, Russia grabbed his arm and twisted it. Prussia screamed as Russia broke his arm.

"I really don't want you to kill him so I don't have another choice" Russia whispered in Prussia ear.

"Vhat zhe fuck aze jou going to do?!" Prussia asked and groaned in pain. Russia didn't answer, instead he started to walk away from the door, dragging Prussia with him, and towards the edge of the roof. Russia stopped when he and Prussia were on the edge.
"V-vhat zhe hell aze jou doing?!!" Prussia asked, a bit scared. Russia pushed Prussia off the roof, but Prussia managed to grab Russia's scarf, taking him down with him.
They both smashed onto the ground. Russia coughed up blood and tried to remain concious as he crawled over to where Prussia was lying. Russia saw that Prussia's head had landed on a rock and there was a big gap on the back of his head. Russia somehow managed to lift up Prussia's head and wrapping his scarf around it, in hope to stop the bleeding. Russia then layed down and lost conciousness.

A while later.
China walked out of the school. He could finally go home and just get some rest. He turned around one corner. His eyes widened as he saw two bodies lie in the grass. China called for help and then ran up to them. He saw Prussia with Russia's scarf wrapped around his head and a twisted arm, while he saw Russia covered in blood.

"God damn it.." China muttured to himself, very annoyed.

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