Chapter 124

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After class.
America walked to the cafeteria and saw Prussia sitting alone. He went to the table and sat down beside Prussia.

"Why did you just leave?" America asked.

"It really huzt vhat jou said about me"

"But I was just saying what the truth is"

"So jou don't even feel bad zhat jou huzt me??!"

"Not really"

"Zhen ve aze over!!!" Prussia exclaimed.

"What!! Why??!"

"If jou can say somezhing huztful like zhat und not even regret it zhen ve shouldn't be togezher!!" Prussia said as he stood up.

"Fine!! Just be a little sissy!!" America called after Prussia as he walked out of the cafeteria. Prussia started to walk faster as he turned around the corner and then he crashed into Russia, who had been hurrying somewhere. Russia fell backwards and Prussia on him.

"I'm sorry about zhat" Prussia apologised.

"I'm sorry too" Russia replied. Prussia went off Russia and they both stood up.

"Can I ask jou somezhing?"


"Do jou still hate me?"

"Not really"

"Do jou still love me?" Prussia then asked as he looked into Russia's eyes.

"Love you? I don't know"

"Jou don't know??"

"I'm just not sure, why are you asking this?"

"Because out of all zhe guys I've dated, jou vere nicest to me"

"You weren't really nice to me" Russia stated.

"I made von mistake!"

"And that mistake really hurt me"

"I'm sorry" Prussia said as he looked down to the floor "I know I vas a jerk"

"It's okay now, you do not have to feel bad about it" Russia said as he smiled.

"I'll still feel bad about it because I knew zhat it vas me who huzt jou zhat bad. I vill never be able to take it back" Prussia said quietly. Russia walked up to Prussia and layed one hand on his shoulder.

"It's not like I haven't been hurt before"

"Still.. I feel bad about it"

"Prussia.." Russia lifted Prussia's chin up so he could see his face "Don't waste your time thinking about something that happened a long time ago because it won't help anyone but just make things worse for you. Just think about something positive that will make you feel good about yourself"

"How can jou be so nice to me now?" Prussia asked a little shocked.

"I can be nice if I want too" Russia said "It's not like I'm just beating people up with my faucet or someth-" Russia was cut off by Prussia pressing his lips against his. Russia's eyes widened while Prussia continued to kiss him. Prussia then backed away with a blush spread across his cheeks.

"I-I'm sorry about zhat!" Prussia said awkwardly and then hurried away. Russia just stood there, his eyes still wide, while he blushed slightly.
Prussia hurried away as he could feel his face was getting a darker shade of red with nearly each step he took. He went into a bathroom and now stood infront of a mirror. His eyes widened as he saw how much he was blushing.

"I look tezzible!" Prussia said to himself as he splashed cold water on his face. 'I shouldn't have done that!! He probably thinks that I'm in love with him again, which I most likely am though but that doesn't matter!' Prussia thought as he dried his face up and looked in the mirror again. His cheeks were a little pink but he didn't really care because it was almost unnoticable. Prussia walked out of the bathroom and to class.

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