Chapter 132

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Russia and China walked out into the hallway.

"What did you want to talk about" asked China.

"I want to get back together" Russia said.

"I knew it"

"What? How?" Russia asked a bit confused.

"It's like we're meant to be together somehow"

"So we will get back together?"


"Why not?"

"If you really want to get back together you have to prove it, aru!"


"You'll figure something out" China said with a smirk and then walked back into the room.

After class.
China walked out of the classroom and towards the cafeteria. He heard footsteps rapidly closing in on him so he turned around and he saw Russia walking towards him.

"Hey, aru" China greeted "Why are you in such a hurry?"

"I need to go talk to someone. I'll talk to you later, lyubov' moya" Russia said with a smile as he passed China.

"Lyubo what??" China asked himself confused.
Russia walked to the cafeteria and looked around. He smiled to himself as he saw France sitting alone at some table. Russia walked over to him and sat down beside him.

"Hello" Russia greeted cheerful.

"Bonjour~ why did you decide to sit with moi?" France asked in a bit of a teasing tone.

"I kind of need help with something"

"Kind of??"

"Okay, I really need help with something"

"Allright, what is it?"

"I need advice on how to get China back"

"Ah~ so you need 'elp with your lover?"


"You could confess your love for 'im, but you've done that before.. You can do something romantic and spontaneous"

"Like what?"

"Strip naked and make love all night long" France purred.

"Ehh, how is that spontaneous and romantic?"

"I was kidding, you can do that after you get 'im back" France said with a smirk "But back to your problem! You can give 'im romantic love letters, or notes if you're not much for making letters, and leave them on his table"

"Okay, I'll try that" Russia stood up "Thank you" he said and then walked away. France just sat there for while, continued eating his lunch but as he was finished and was going to stand up came England and sat down, across from him.

"Hi" England greeted.

"England.. 'ello" France replied a bit surprised.

"You're still in love with me, right?"

"Of course, I've always loved you"

"That's nice" England said as he smirked.

"Why are you smirking? Are you just 'ere to remind me that I can't be with you anymore?!"

"You did kiss Austria"

"And I immideatly regretted it and went back 'ome to you"

"But why were you so distant?!"

"I was thinking of a way to propose to you and I was afraid you would find out and then surprise would be ruined so I said I went away and stayed at Austria's 'ouse because he said 'e could 'elp me"

"If you were going to propose to me then why did you kiss him??!"

"We were sitting in 'is 'ouse one night and just talking when 'e started to talk about 'ow 'e was in love with Prussia but Prussia didn't want 'im so I told 'im that 'e should just try 'arder. 'e thanked me and then 'e just kissed me out of nowhere, i'm not even sure if 'e knows why 'e did it. 'e backed away and apologised and we both went to bed. The next day I left"

"And you slept in seperate beds?"

"Of course! I would never cheat on you!"

"I see.." England said to himself. He then stared into France's eyes. 'Am I even in love with him?? I don't think so but how can I be sure? I could kiss him and see if I feel something' England thought as he continued staring.

"Is something wrong?" France asked.

"No, why would there be?"

"You seem kind of confused"

"I was just thinking"

"About what?"

"If I should kiss you to see if I still love you"

"If you want to I won't stop you" France said with a warm smile.

"Alright i'll do i-" England got cut off by France gently pressing his lips against England's. 'What's this wanker doing?!! I was going to kiss him!!' England thought as he got a bit angry. When England finally melted into the kiss and kissed back he felt a warm tingling sensation inside his stomach. 'Am I still in love with him..?' England thought as France backed away.

"Did you feel anything??" France asked.

"I.." England blushed and looked away "yes"

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