Chapter 17

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The next day.

'Why would Spain tell me something like that now??!' Prussia walked back and forth in his room in deep thinking. There was a knock on the door but he ignored it and continued his thinking. 'I shouldn't have just told him to leave. He probably thinks I hate him now' Prussia stopped walking 'do I hate him? Of course not!! But I don't think I'm in love with him. I don't even like him in that way'. Prussia continued to walk around his room and was now thinking aloud.

"Vhat should I do? I don't vant to loze him as a friend. But I don't zeally vant to date him eithzer... I zhink. But it doesn't matter! I love Canada." As Prussia finished the sentence the door to his room was opened. Germany walked into the room

"Vy didn't jou answer vhen I knocked?" Germany asked

"Oh, sorry. I vas zhinking" Prussia replied and walked to Germany. "Can I ask jou somezhing?"

"Sure, vhat?"

"If jou vould have to choose between someone jou love but he may not have as strong feelings for you und doesn't zeally vant to see jou at zhe moment? Or someone who's been jour friend for a long time und zhen jou find out he's in love vith jou und vants to he vith jou but jou're not sure jou have zhe same feelings for him?" Prussia asked. Germany thought for a while.

"A similar zhing happened to me recently und I chose zhe person who I vas in love vith but he doesn't love me in zhe same vay I do und now it's too late to be vith zhe othzer guy because he is now vith someone else. Und now all I have left is zhe thought of vhat could have been. So if it doesn't vork out vith zhe guy jou like jou should eithzer just be alone or get togetzher vith zhe othzer guy before he finds someone vho vants to be vith him und he vill zhen fall in love vith eventually" replied Germany with a serious tone and a hint of sadness.

"Okay. Vould it be okay if I asked who zhe guys vere?" Prussia asked

"It's Itzaly who vas in love vith me but I told him I vas in love vith jou. I know nothing vill ever happen between us but I just couldn't bring myself to say yes to Itzaly. Vhich vas good I guess because now he's vith Japan and zhey sem happy"

"Allzight" Prussia walked towards the door "danke" he then walked out of the room and out of the house. Prussia walked towards America's house.

Prussia walked up to America's house and knocked on the door. A few seconds later came Canada to the door with a smile on his face.

"He-" Canada saw it was Prussia and frowned "what do you want? How did you know I was here?!!"

"I'm zeally sorry for just coming here after jou told me not to but I just have to be sure of one zhing" Prussia replied ignoring Canada's second question.


"Ve aze never getting back togetzher aze we?" Prussia asked

"I would never get back together with someone as despicable as you!!" Hissed Canada annoyed.

"... Jou could have just said nein"

"Yes I could have.. but I didn't want to" Canada then slammed the door shut. Prussia walked away and too Spain's house. When he was there he knocked on the door but no one answered. Prussia knocked again but still got no answer. 'He's probably not home' Prussia thought as he walked away and towards his home.

As Prussia was walking towards a little pond he usually passed on his way from Spain's house he saw a man on the bench by it. The man seemed sad. Possibly crying. Prussia was going to just pass by the man because he felt to awesome to care about some random crybaby. But then he recognised the clothes and hair colour the man had. It was Spain. Prussia kneeled infront of Spain.

"Jou know it's zeally not avezome to czy like zhat" Prussia stated. Spain didn't look up but just said

"W-what are you doing here?" Spain asked and sniffled.

"I zhought about vhat jou said und I decided..." Prussia lifted Spain's chin up with his index finger so he could look into his eyes which were swollen from crying "... I could give jou a chance to be vith zhe avezome Prussia" Prussia said and then he pressed his lips against Spain's and immideatly forced his tounge into Spain's mouth so their tounges collided and a battle for dominence began but Spain won it after only a couple seconds and explored every inch of Prussia's mouth. Spain moved his hands up to Prussia's face while Prussia's arms went around Spain's waist. Prussia then broke the kiss and stood up.

"Are you going?" Asked Spain

"Nein" Prussia sat down on Spain's lap facing him "just getting comfortable" Prussia then leaned down to Spain's neck and started nibbling on the soft spot of his neck making Spain moan lightly.

"P-Prussia we're still outside!" Spain stated

"I know. I just don't care" Prussia said as he moved one hand down to Spain's pants and rubbing his growing erection over the pants. Spain moaned quietly causing Prussia to smirk. Prussia then lowered Spain's pants just enough for his erection to stand up from his pants. Prussia then lowered his own pants just under his butt and then sat down on Spain's erection. Prussia moaned as he started to move up and down on Spain. Spain managed to unbutton Prussia's jacket and shirt so he could see his bare chest. Spain then leaned against Prussia's chest and started sucking it in multiple places leaving hickeys. Prussia moaned louder and continued to bounce up and down on Spain's erection. Spain backed away from Prussia's chest

"I-I'm going to c-cum!" Spain managed to whisper.

"M-me, ah, too". As Prussia finished the sentence he came into Prussia and only a few seconds later came Prussia. Prussia went off Spain and pulled up his pants while Spain did the same with his pants.

"Oh scheiße!!"

"What?" Spain asked

"I came into my pants. I have to hurry home and change!!" Prussia replied "I'll see jou on monday. I'm going to be busy tomorrov" Prussia kissed Spain and then hurried home.

"I can't believe my first time with Prussia was in public. I hope nobody saw us" Spain said to himself and then walked away.

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