Chapter 58

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The next day.
Japan and America arrived at school just as the classroom was being opened. All the students hurried inside to sit down before the teacher came. Japan and America sat down infront of Greece and Turkey, infront of Japan and America were France and Britain. France turned around to face Japan.

"I 'eard zhat Prussia came back" France whispered.

"rearry?!!" Japan asked surprised in reply. Britain then turned around.

"Yeah! And I heard that he's coming to school today!!" Britain added.

"But why isn't he here yet??"America asked.

"Wait..!" Japan pointed at the entrance "he's there" Japan whispered. Everyone in the room was now staring at Prussia who had just entered the room.

"Zhe great und avezome Prussia ist back!!" Prussia exclaimed.

After class. Spain walked out of the classroom along Romano.

"are you-a still married to-a the tall and-a freaky guy?" Romano asked as they exited the room.

"yes and don't call him that!" Spain replied.

"I-a just-a wanted to let-a you know that he-a is freaky" Romano stated.

"he is not so stop saying that!!"

"allright. I'm-a going to-a go find Italy" Romano said as he walked away. 'where is my stupido brother now??!' Romano thought as he walked through the halls and towards the newspaper club room. When he was finally there he walked inside and saw Italy and Japan.

"what are-a you doing?" Romano asked.

"Romano!~ We were-a just talking" Italy said cheerfully.

"about-a what?" Romano asked kind of curious. Japan turned to Romano.

"we were tarking about my brother" Japan said quietly.

"How's-a China doing?"

"he barery goes out of his room. He just ries in his bed and i'm not even sure he's sreeping or just staring at the ceiring" Japan answered.

"Atleast he's-a not throwing things around but if-a you're-a not sure,why don't-a you just check?!" Romano suggested.

"I'rr do that" Japan stood up "I'm not sure he wirr answer me but thank you anyway" Japan said and then walked away.

Japan walked up to China's house, where he had been staying for the last couple of months, and opened the door. He walked up to China's room and reached for the doorknob. He opened the door carefully and walked inside. The room was dark and looked like no light had come in for weeks.

"China.." Japan walked closer to the bed "are you arright?"

"what do you want?" China asked quietly with anger in his voice.

"I wanted to see if you were okay" Japan said.

"I'm okay" China sat up and looked at Japan "I'm fucking fantastick!!!" he exclaimed.

"I-" Japan stopped when his eyes finally adjusted to the dark and he could see China's face more clearly. China had tears streaming down his face and it looked like he had been crying for hours. "Why are you crying?" Japan asked with a sad tone.

"Because I still miss Russia!!" China cried out.

"It's been a year! He beat you! You broke up and you shourd move on and rive your rife!!" Japan stated.

"I loved him.. but then I just told him to go die! How could I be so stupid!!" China cried out.

"China.." Japan said as he looked straight into China's eyes "You shourdn't just rie here and brame everything on yourserf! That just stupid. So stand up and go rive your rife arready!" Japan said in a calm tone.

"... you're right" China stood up from the bed "I'm going to continue living my life!" China stated confident. Japan smiled and then walked out of China's room.

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