Chapter 188

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Spain pressed his lips against Prussia's softly. Prussia's eyes widened and he pushed Spain away.

"VHAT ZHE HELL ARE JOU DOING??!!!" Prussia shouted.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me!" Spain said as he hid his face in his hands.

"Zhat's not an excuse!! Jou're married!! Jou're not supposed to do stuff like zhis vith me!!!"

"I know"

"Zhen vhy did jou do it?!!"

"I don't know!"

"God damn it!! Just go avay!" Prussia exclaimed.

"Okay.. Just calm down" Spain said soothingly.

"Nein! Go!"

"All righty then" Spain said as he turned around and walked away. Prussia went back home to Germany's house. When Prussia entered the house he saw Germany and Russia talking in the livingroom. Prussia just stood still, Germany and Russia didn't seem to notice him.

"I don't know vhat to say..." Germany said shocked as he stared at Russia.

"Just say how you feel" Russia said as he took Germany's hands in his own and gazed into his eyes.

"VHAT ZHE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!?!!!!" Prussia yelled as he stormed into the livingroom. Russia quickly let go of Germany's hands.

"V-ve're just talking!" Germany replied nervous.

"YOU!!!" Prussia glared at Russia "GET ZHE FUCK OUT, COMMIE!!!!"

"Okay, okay" Russia stood up and walked out.

"Vhy did jou do zhat?!" Germany asked annoyed.

"Russia is dating America!! Jou should not be acting all romantic vith a guy who's in a relationship!!"

"Didn't jou screw Finland vhile he vas dating Sweden?"

"Ja! Und do jou really vant to be like me?!"

"I used to" Germany said quietly.


"Jou vere like mein role model but zhen jou started acting like a total douche. I really looked up to jou"

"..I had no idea" Prussia said a bit surprised.

"But now I just look at jou as mein stupid bruder I had to bail out of jail" Germany stated.

"I vasn't supposed to go to jail!"

"So jou almost killed a person und expected to get avay vith it?!"


"Jou really need professional help"

"I'll go to zhe school counsellor tomorrow"


"But only if jou svear to not talk to Russia, or even look at him, vhile I'm avay!"

"All right" Germany agreed.

"All right!"

"But vhat happens if I do?"

"I vill make sure zhat jou don't get any beer for a loooong time"

"Okay zhen.. I von't talk to him"

"Good" Prussia sat down beside Germany "But vhat vere jou two talking about?"

"He vas vhining about vanting to be vith me" Germany said and sighed "I zhink he's just horny und since America isn't doing him he came to me. I'm too good for him zhough"

"...I love jou so much" Prussia said with a smile.

"Vhy are jou saying zhat now?"

"I'm just so proud of jou" Prussia hugged Germany "Jou're avesome"

"Oh.. zhank jou" Germany hugged Prussia back.
A while later, Prussia backed away.
"Is somezhing vrong?" Germany asked.

"Jou know I haven't been vith anyvon in a vhile..." Prussia said while looking down.

"Do jou mean sexually?"

"Nein, I mean zhat I haven't been in a real relationship for a vhile"

"Okay.. Are jou planning on doing somezhing about zhat?"

"I vas vondering if jou know anyvon who's available" Prussia looked at Germany "Unless jou vant to be vith me"

"Ehh.. nein, zhank jou for zhe offer zhough..."

"Oh vell, I just vanted to be sure. But do jou know anyvon?"

"I zhink Canada's available" Germany said.

"I am not getting back togezher vith him, it vould be a total mess"


"Nein, he vants me to kill myself so I don't zhink it vould vork out"


"Oh god, nein!"



"Iceland?" Germany suggested.

"Iceland? Vho zhe fuck is zhat??"

"It's zhe guy vith zhe veird bird"

"Oh, zhat guy.. Are jou sure he isn't dating anyvon?"

"I don't zhink so, he's usually alone in class because zhe ozher Nordics are all older zhan him"

"All older?? How young is Iceland?"

"Younger zhan me"

"So he's just a kid?"

"He's in high school so nein"

"Hmm... okay, zhanks for zhe information" Prussia said and walked out of the livingroom.

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