Chapter 129

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China thought deeply for a couple of seconds.

"I can't do this anymore" China then said and let out a sigh "you have to make up your mind! You can't just excpect everyone to wait until you decide because when you finally decide, everyone will probably be old as shit, aru! I can wait for a long time but not that long! I'm already old so don't make me wait so long! Just tell me if you choose me or if you want to continue deciding between some brit and a grey haired guy. If you choose me then that's great! But if you choose either of them then okay, I'll just deal with it in my own way and then move on. So.. which is it?"

"I don't think I want to get back together" Russia said quietly.

"Alright. Atleast you told me so I can just do something else now instead of living in hope that someday you might choose me" China said and then walked away. Russia just stood there for a while and then walked back into the cafeteria to England and sat down beside him.

"What did China say?" England asked curious.

"China said that we are over now"

"Weren't you over already?"

"I guess" Russia said quietly.

"Don't tell me that you want to get him back for the hundreth time!" England said a bit annoyed.

"Of course not. It's just that he said he would deal with it in his own way.. I kind of want to know what he will do"

"He probably won't try to kill someone"

"He would never do that"

"He once said that he'd beat me to a bloody pulp with a wok, or whatever it's called"

"Why would he say that?"

"That doesn't matter" England said as he stood up.

"Where are you going?"

"I need go somewhere"

"Alright, i'll see you later"

"Yeah, bye" England said and then walked away. Russia was about to stand up and go away but then Prussia came and stood infront of him.

"Vhy vere jou vith him?" Prussia asked.

"I was eating lunch with him"


"I was hungry?"

"Vhy did jou eat vith him?"

"Because I sat with him in class, then we walked to the cafeteria and sat down together"

"Jou shouldn't vaste jour time vith him, he's not nearly as avesome as me!"

"Okay?" Russia said confused.

"Vant to do it?"

"Do what?"


"...Why would you ask me that now?"

"Because I vant to do it! Vhy else?"

"I don't want to do it with you" Russia said calm.

"Vhy not??"

"Because you want to be on top but I don't want to be the bottom"

"Come on!"


"Okay, vhat about ve go valk around or somezhing?"


"..I don't have any ozher ideas right now.."

"Alright, where should we walk?"

"To zhe roof?"

"..I don't want to go there"

"Vhy not??"

"It reminds me of something"

"Vhat? Zhere's nozhing bad on zhe roof!" Prussia stated.

"I tried to kill myself"

"Vhat does zhat have to do vith zhe roof?"

"I jumped off the roof" Russia said quietly.

"...I'm sorry I kept asking jou"

"It's okay, you were away when it happened"

"So jou just avoid zhe roof?"


"Alzight, zhen ve von't go zhere.. how about ve go to zhe garden right outside?"


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