Chapter 186

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School was now over so Germany and Prussia were heading towards the school exit. Neither of them had said a word for a while.

"I vish ve could just skip school" Prussia said to break the awkward silence.

"I don't zhink jou have to go to school anymore" Germany replied in monotone.

"Oh... okay"

"Hey, dudes" America, who had randomly appeared, greeted.

"Vhat do jou vant?" Germany asked.

"I just wanted you to know that it was really not cool what you did to Russia's scarf and.."

"Und vhat?"

"You're a big fat loser that has stupid hair and an even more stupid brother!" America sneered.

"Jour bruder is.." Germany thought for a moment "Actually, I don't have anyzhing against jour bruder. He's a good person"

"Oh come on! Zhat's jour comeback?!" Prussia asked a bit disappointed.

"Of course it is. A dumbass like him couldn't even think of a proper comeback if his life depended on it"

"Can't jou just go avay now?" Germany asked annoyed.

"Nah, dude. Not until I've insulted you more"

"Can't jou go fuck Russia or somezhing?!" Prussia asked.

"He's been acting a bit.. strange lately, so I don't want to bother him"

"Aww, is jour boyfriend being a little difficult?" Prussia asked and smirked.

"Shut up!"

"Or vhat? Jou're gonna insult me?? I'm so scared" Prussia said with very obvious sarcasm.

"Just go before zhis gets violent" Germany suggested calm.

"I'm not going anywhere!" America argued.

"Jou do realize zhat ve're much stronger zhan jou" Prussia said smug.

"If you're so strong, then how could I have managed to rape you?" America asked. Prussia's eyes widened.

"Vhy don't jou just go" Germany suggested again.

"I said nah, you stupid nazi!!" America exclaimed. Germany just stared at America for a moment.

"Vhat did jou.." Germany said quietly.

"I called you a nazi, you're both nazis"

"He can't.." Prussia looked at Germany "he can't call us zhat!"

"But it's true, isn't it?" America asked as a smirk formed on his face. Germany took a step closer to America and punched him. America fell to the ground and looked up at Germany who glared down at him.

"Fuck off" Germany said with a tone that sent shivers down America's spine and then he walked away. Prussia sent America a death glare and then went to Germany. America waited until Germany and Prussia were gone and then stood up.

"Holy shit, dude.." America muttured to himself as he hurried towards the detention room. When he entered the classroom he saw Romano, Russia, Poland, China, Austria and then some teacher who just sat by his desk and slept. America sat down beside Russia.

"What are you doing here?" Russia asked.

"I think Germany's going to kill you!" America whispered to Russia.

"What? Why?"

"Because he said the f word!"


"I've never heard him say that!"

"I'm pretty sure he has though"

"Okay, okay.. but the way he said it.."

"How did he say it?"

"It was like he was going to kill me right there! I've never seen someone be that intimidating!"

"Mabye he's going to kill you"

"Dude!! Don't say that!"

"Okay. What did you do to make him that mad?"

"I just called him a nazi"


"Yeah, I didn't know it was a big deal"

"I hope you realize that he's not like that anymore"

"Are you defending him??"

"..What do you mean?"

"You commie douchebag!! You are!" America stood up from his seat "Why don't you just go and screw him!! Mabye you can just screw Prussia too since you seem to have a thing for german dudes!!!" America exclaimed and then stormed out of the room. Russia sat still and watched as America left.

"Hey" Austria whispered.


"Do jou really have a zhing for german guys?"

"Why are you asking?" Russia asked as he looked at Austria who sat in the seat behind him.

"No reason, do jou?"

"I don't know"

"All right" Austria replied as he stood up and then casually walked away.

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