Chapter 96

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Russia ran after China and managed to grab is arm so he stopped walking.

"Please! Just listen to me" Russia begged.

"No.." China turned around to face Russia "I've finally started to realize that you will always just end up hurting me. You keep promising to stop but then you always manage to screw it up, and it's not just you who screws up but me too. I've been making your life difficult by starting drama, like at that formal dance that was at the school once when you had been kind of mean to me but I just made it worse by punching you in the face. Also that time when you had started dating America again but then I made a plan to break you two up.. which worked.. and even though you did beat me with a faucet, it still doesn't change the fact that I made you miserable. You could have been happy with America but I, out of plain selfishness, ruined that. So I think it would just be best for the both of us to atleast have some time apart, because all we do is bring out the worst in eachother" China said.

"That may be true but I still love you and I know you love me too!" Russia cried out.

"I do.. but this will never work out" China stated and smiled weakly "you can be happy with someone else, I guarantee it" he then turned around and walked away. Russia just stood there and watched as China walked away, feeling as if his heart was breaking into a million pieces. His eyes started to fill up with tears which then streamed down his cheeks and he turned around and started to walk away slowly with his head hanging down so nobody could see his face.

"Hey!" England jogged up to Russia "Did China just break up with you? Must hurt like hell" England said as he smirked a bit.

"It does" Russia said quietly.

"What?" England asked. Russia raised his head back up and looked straight into England's eyes which widened.

"It did hurt" Russia said quietly as tears continued to stream down his face.

"...You're actually crying.." England said in shock.

"Why did you do that?" Russia asked ignoring England's statement.

"What??" England asked, still in shock.

"Why did you kiss me? Why did you make sure that China would see it? You had to know that if you kissed me then he would never date you! Did you mabye just want to ruin my life?!"

"You did attempt to kill me!!"

"I know, but I would never make anyone feel so horrible and disgusted with themselves as you just did to me!"

"So now I'm worse than you?!!"

"Nyet.. but you're not any better either" Russia said and then walked away.

"To hell with him" England murmured to himself and then walked away.

China walked back to Japan, who had just been standing somewhere.

"What happened??" Japan asked worried, and at the same time curious.

"I broke up with Russia" China said quietly.

"Is this going to be rike you two break up but then get back together again or is it just over? Either way I'm rearry sorry about that" Japan said.

"I don't think we'll date again... we just aren't right for eachother I guess"

"I'm sorry to hear that"


"You just seemed to be such a good coupre" Japan stated.


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