Chapter 175

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A moment later, Germany entered the bathroom. He closed the door behind him and looked at Prussia annoyed.

"Vhat do jou vant?" Germany asked.

"I need to talk to jou" Prussia replied.

"About vhat?"

"I vant jou to be vith me un-"

"SHUT UP!!!" Germany shouted "..Just shut up und don't say anyzhing" Germany said after calming down. He walked closer to Prussia and layed one hand on Prussia's cheek. Prussia could feel blood rushing to his cheeks. Germany gazed into Prussia's eyes as he moved closer to him. Just as their lips were about to touch, Germany's look changed. He stopped and looked into Prussia's eyes with hatred. Prussia felt something poke his stomach, he looked down. Prussia's eyes widened as he saw Germany hold a rather large knife to his stomach.

"V-vhat??" Prussia said quietly.

"I can't deal vith jou anymore. Jou've made mein life a living hell for zhe past zhree years. Italy zhinks I'm in love vith jou und he's really mad at me, just because jou couldn't leave me alone like I asked jou to do. So if jou won't leave me alone.." Germany leaned close to Prussia's ear "I'll have to get rid of jou" Germany said with a very angry but calm tone. Prussia didn't move, he just continued to stare down as Germany began to slowly push the knife into his stomach.
"Isn't it ironic zhat jou said jou'd kill me but now I'm zhe von trying to kill jou" Germany grinned to himself "I really hope jou vill die" he then plunged the rest of the knife into Prussia. Prussia fell down to the floor and stared at Germany who raised the knife again and plunged it into Prussia's heart so deep it sticked out a bit through his back. Germany twisted the knife and moved it up and down, making sure Prussia's heart was completely destroyed. Germany took out the knife and threw it out the window. Germany crushed both of Prussia's eyes, making him completely blind. Germany then kicked Prussia in the chest and then he left and closed the door behind him.
Prussia just lay there on the floor as he struggled to keep breathing but it wasn't working well for him. Blood streamed from Prussia's chest and his eyes as he attempted to reach the doorknob, but he failed. Prussia layed still as he felt his life fade away. 'I can't believe he actually did this..' prussia thought 'he must really hate me' Prussia just layed still 'I might as well just give up'. Prussia took a deep breath and then he just stopped breathing.

Germany sat back down in his seat beside Italy.

"Where did-a you go?" Italy asked a bit suspicious as he looked at Germany.

"To zhe bazhroom" Germany replied without looking at Italy.

"Was anyone in there with-a you??"


"If-a you say so" Italy stood up "I have to go to the bathroom" Italy said as he walked from the table.

"Vait!" Germany stood up and hurried to Italy.


"I vant to go vith jou"

"That's-a.. weird.. but okay" Italy replied. The two countries walked to a bathroom. Just as Italy was about to open the door, Germany started to get really nervous. Italy noticed this.
"Why are-a you so nervous?"

"I'm not, I vas just zhinking about somezhing"

"Okay then.." Italy opened the door but instead of walking inside he stood, like he had frozen or something.

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