Chapter 125

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In class.
Prussia sat down at a table in the way back, hoping he would get to be alone, but then someone sat down beside him, and to make it even worse for him it was Russia. Prussia just looked down at his phone he was holding under the table. 'Is he going to say something??' Prussia thought as he looked at Russia without turning his head. He saw Russia just sitting there and reading a book. 'Is he just going to sit there??!' Prussia thought as he started to get annoyed 'He can't just sit there and act like nothing happened! Who the hell does he think he is!!?' Prussia turned his head and just stared at Russia 'Is he just acting like I'm not here!! What the hell is going on??!' Prussia started to get confused but then Russia looked back at him.

"I'm not ignoring you if that's what you are thinking" Russia said as he smiled.

"Vhat zhe.." Prussia said quietly as he started to get even more confused 'how did he know that??'

"It's kind of obvious because you keep looking at me like I'm doing something that is annoying you"

"N-not at all! I vas just zhinking about... bier"

"Why would you be thinking about that?"

"Because I vant bier"

"You shouldn't be drinking something like that, it's not very healthy you know"

"Don't jou drink vodka?!"

"Da, that's good"

"Zhen vhy can't I drink bier!!?"

"Because beer isn't proper alcohol, it's more like a soft drink"

"Oh really?!! Zhen I challenge jou!"

"To do what?"

"Ve go to a bar und jou drink alot of bier vhile I drink a bunch of vodka und zhe von who passes out first loses!!"

"Alright" Russia agreed with a smile.

After school.
Russia and Prussia walked out of the classroom.

"Shouldn't we have someone who can say who wins since we're supposed to get so drunk that we'll pass out?" Russia then asked.

"Oh ja! I didn't zhink about zhat"

"Do you know anyone who could come with us?"

"Mabye.. France?"

"Can you ask him?"

"Okay! Just vait a moment, I'll be right back" Prussia said and then ran away. A moment later came Prussia back with France.

"So you guys are 'aving a drinking contest" France said with a smirk.

"Let's just go" Prussia said and the three walked out of the school and to some bar.
They entered the bar and sat down at some table.

"I'll get the drinks" Russia said as he walked up to the bar.

"So why are you 'anging out with Russia now?" France asked curious.

"I just challenged him zhat's vhy" Prussia stated casually. Russia came back with the drinks and put them down on the table. He then sat down across from Prussia.

"Should we start now?" Russia asked.

"Ja! Und I vill vin jou!!" Prussia exclaimed as he took a glass of vodka and took a large sip. His eyes widened. Prussia put the glass back down slowly. "..Zhat's strong.."

"I know" Russia said as he smiled and then took a sip of beer.

"Mabye ve should just do zhis later" Prussia suggested.

"Nyet. You challenged me so we will do this now.. unless you're giving up?" Russia said and smirked.

"NEVER!!!" Prussia shouted and drank the whole glass "I need more!!" Prussia exclaimed at France who stood up and got another glass. Russia finished the beer in his glass and then France handed him another glass. Both Russia and Prussia drank as fast as they could and kept asking for another glass.
Both Russia and Prussia had now drunk about eight glasses. Prussia was trying to keep from falling from his chair while Russia seemed to be just like he was usually.

"You're getting a little dizzy, da?" Russia asked with a smile.

"NEIN!!! I VILL NEVER GIVE UP!!!" Prussia shouted as he drank even more.

"Are you sure this is a good idea??" France asked worried.

"Of course it is!! Zhis is zhe best fucking idea ever!!!" Prussia exclaimed.

"You're about to pass out!" France stated.

"Yeah, you should just give up now" Russia said.

"I vill have anozher!"

"I'm not giving you another one!" France said.

"Zhen I'll do it" Prussia slurred out as he stood up and wobbled up to the bar. He took one sip and then fell down to the floor, unconscious.

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