Chapter 163

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Italy let go of Romano.

"What are-a we going to do with him?" Italy asked.

"We could-a bury him alive or put-a bricks on his-a feet and throw him in-a some river" Romano suggested.

"..I don't think-a we have to kill him"

"Okay, but-a where the hell is-a that fucking potato bastard!?! Why wasn't he here to protect-a you?!!" Romano asked annoyed.

"He has enough-a of problems"

"I don't-a give a shit!! He's supposed to take-a care of you because he's-a big and strong but you'r-a just a sweet, innocent, little guy!! I will-a punch him in his-a potato looking face!!!" Romano said furious.

"No! Just-a calm down!"


"Germany just heard this morning that his-a brother said that he was-a going to kill-a him!"

"Not if-a I get to him first!!"

"What would you do if-a your own brother was-a plotting to kill you?!"

"You would-a never do that!" Romano stated.

"And don't-a you think that's what Germany thought about his-a brother!! And then he finds out that-a he actually was doing that!!! He is going through-a hell just because of that-a stupid Prussia and I will not let-a you do anything to make his-a life any worse!!" Italy exclaimed.

"Okay" Romano sighed "I won't-a do anything"

"What the hell happened" America, who was waking up, asked. Italy stood up.

"Shut your-a stupid face!" Italy said as he kicked America in the face, knocking him out.
"What are-a we going to do with him??" Italy then asked.

"Let's-a draw a dick on his face, kick him in-a the crotch a couple of times and-a then throw him in a river!!"

"Okay" Italy agreed. Romano went to get a permanent marker and when he came back he drew a dick on America's forehead. The two then took turns at kicking America in the crotch, after that they put him in the trunk of Italy's car and drove to the nearest river they could find. Romano then went out of the car, took America out of the trunk and threw him into the river. Romano went back into the car.

"That'll teach-a that stupid jerk to never mess-a with Italians again!" Romano said smug.

"Yeah" Italy agreed and then drove away.

Canada was just chilling at home, watching tv or something. He then heard someone knock on the door. Canada groaned as he stood up, he walked to the door and opened it. Germany stood infront of him.

"Hey buddy" Canada greeted.

"Hi, can I come in?" Germany asked.

"Of course" Canada let Germany in and they went to the livingroom. They sat down on the couch.
"Do you need help with something? Or are you here to just hang out?"

"I don't really need help, I just need somevon to talk to.. und Italy isn't ansvering his phone so I couldn't talk to him"

"So what's up?"

"I'm zhinking about leaving"


"I don't know. I just need to go somevhere avay from Prussia"

"What did he do now?"

"Zhat doesn't matter"

"It clearly does if you're running away because of it"

"I'll tell jou later"

"Okay... Did he rape you again?" Canada asked curious.


"Did he say he'd try kill Russia again?"


"Did he say.." Canada gasped and stared at Germany "..That he was going to kill you??"

"Kind of"

"Do you think that he'll actually do it? He is madly in love with you and you are his brother.. his only family"

"I don't know but I don't vant to have to deal vith his scheiße anymore! I hate zhat stupid jerk! I hate his personality, I hate his stupid voice, I hate his stupid grey hair zhat makes him look like a stupid old man, I hate his outfit und vhat I hate zhe most of all is his stupid as fuck decisions!!" Germany exclaimed and stood up "HE CAN ROT IN HELL!!!" Germany shouted as he kicked a hole in the wall.

"Calm down!!" Canada said annoyed.

"I'm sorry.." Germany sat down again "I don't know vhat came over me" Germany said quietly as he hid his face in his shaking hands. Canada moved closer to Germany and wrapped his arms around him.

"Shh, it will be okay" Canada said soothingly as he gently patted Germany on the back "Everything will be okay"

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