Chapter 187

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Austria walked out of detention, then the school and was now walking to Germany's house. When he was there he knocked on the door. A while later Germany came to the door.

"Vhat?" Germany asked annoyed.

"Russia still has feelings for jou" Austria said and then just walked away. Germany's eyes widened and he just stood still.

"Vas zhat Austria??" Prussia asked.


"Vhat did he vant?"

"He just told me somezhing" Germany said as he closed the door.

"Told jou vhat?"

"Nozhing important" Germany walked into the livingroom and Prussia followed.

"Come oon! Just tell me"


"Psh! Fine zhen" Prussia pouted as he walked to the livingroom and sat down on the couch. Germany sat down beside him.

"Okay, I'll tell jou"

"Yay, okay" Prussia said and smiled.

"He came here to tell me zhat Russia still likes me, but I zhink he vas just trying to mess with me"

"Oh.. vhat if it is true?"

"I really don't zhink it is" Germany replied "I stole his scarf und beat him up. If anyvon vould do zhat to me I'd really dislike zhat person"

"Jou tried to kill me und blinded me for a vhile but I still like jou"

"I don't get jou. If jou vould have done zhat to me I vould hate jou"

"I'm just a good und a forgiving person" Prussia said smug.

"Ja, right" Germany said as he rolled his eyes.

"I'm glad jou agree"

"Can I ask jou somezhing?"


"Vhat vould jou have done if I had raped jou instead of jou raping me?" Germany asked.

"I don't know"

"Hmm, okay"

"Vhy are jou asking? Jou vant to screw me or something?" Prussia asked.

"Vhat?! Nein! I vas just zhinking"

"Zhinking about having sex vith me?"


"Oh vell, jour loss" Prussia said as he stood up.

"Vhere are jou going?"

"Out for a valk"

"Okay, bye"

"Bye" Prussia said as he walked out of the house and closed the door behind him.
Prussia had been walking for a while when he saw Austria walking past him a few meters away. Prussia jogged up to him.

"Hey" Prussia greeted.

"Vhat zhe hell do jou vant?" Austria asked irritated.

"Vhy did jou tell Germany zhat Russia likes him?"

"Vere jou looking for me just to ask zhat?"

"Nein, I vas actually looking for Russia to beat him up but I saw jou so I decided to just ask jou"


"So, vhy did jou say zhat to Germany?"

"Because I vant to mess vith his head"

"So it isn't true??"

"I don't know, he didn't say ja or nein vhen I asked him if he has a zhing for german guys"

"Should I do somezhing? Should I mabye just go und ask Russia about it or beat him up?"

"I don't know"

"Vhat do jou zhink I should do?" Prussia asked.

"I zhink jou should go kill jourself" Austria replied.

"Mabye I vill!"

"Good, do it"

"Zhis is vhy nobody likes jou!" Prussia said annoyed and walked away.

"JUST DO IT LOSER!!!" Austria called after Prussia. Prussia hurried away as he felt tears form in his eyes. Prussia continued to walk as he looked down and started to sob quietly.
After a while, someone bumped into Prussia.

"Oh, I'm sorry" Spain said. Prussia didn't say anything and just continued walking. 'Is he mad at me?' Spain thought as he watched Prussia walk away. Spain walked after Prussia and catched up with him.
"What's wrong?" Spain asked concerned.

"I'm just feeling a bit sick" Prussia replied quietly. Spain grabbed Prussia's hand to stop him. Prussia stopped but continued to look down.

"You can tell me, I'm your friend"

"Okay" Prussia looked up and at Spain as he wiped the tears from his eyes. "I've been kind of depressed lately und I don't zhink I can handle zhis anymore"

"Handle what?"


"Are you thinking about committing suicide??!"

"I'm not sure, but I know zhat it vould make Austria happy"

"Do not think like that. There are alot of people who care about you!"

"Like who?"

"Germany, me, probably France too and... others"

"Vhy don't jou just go to Holland"

"I'm not always with Holland, I'm going to hang out with Romano later"

"Zhen go to Romano und let me go die or somezhing" Prussia said as he was about to walk away but Spain still held his hand so he couldn't.

"Gilbert, please.."

"Please vhat?"

"Please..." Spain leaned close to Prussia "Don't say things like that" Spain said just before he pressed his lips against Prussia's softly.

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