Chapter 161

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At the school.
Italy sat alone at a table in some classroom. He just waited for Germany to come, even though he knew that he probably wouldn't come for another twenty minutes. Italy then felt someone come up to him and he heard someone sit down in the chair beside him. Italy saw America sitting there, smiling.

"Hey, dude" America greeted.

"Hello..?" Italy replied a bit confused, because America usually didn't talk to him.

"How you doin'?" America asked with a slight smirk.

"I'm-a good"

"That's cool. Where's Germany?"

"Probably at-a the hospital"

"When will he come back?"

"I'm-a not sure, after a couple of minutes mabye?"

"Why are you even hanging out with him though? He's so uptight and shit"

"I love-a him"

"Why love him when you could love me?"

"..Are-a you hitting on me?"

"Yeah, you like it?" America asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"Ehh.. it's-a weird"

"Germany's weird. Seriously, dude, just dump him and be with me. I'm totally cool!" America said with a cocky tone.

"I heard you hit on-a your brother" Italy replied.

"So? Germany had sex with his!"

"He was-a raped"

"Germany fell in love with Prussia so he must have really liked it, so is it really considered rape?"

"Yes!" Italy said as he started to get angry "Can-a you please go now?"

"Oh come ooon!" America whined "Just give me a chance!"

"No! Go away!" Italy demanded.

"Are you scared of Prussia?" America asked.

"That isn't any of-a your business!"

"So you are?"

"..Kind of"

"Are you afraid that he'll attack you? Or even worse, rape you?"


"You do realize that I raped Prussia, and he even had trouble with walking after it"

"Yes... Why are-a you telling me this?" Italy asked and started to get scared. America layed one hand on Italy's cheek and gazed into his eyes.

"I could do the same to you" America said seductively.

"W-what?!" Italy's eyes widened in fear. America leaned forward to Italy's ear.

"unless you'll be with me willingly, then I'll be more.. gentle" America whispered. He backed away and smirked "just something for you to think about" America stood up "I'll see ya later, dude" he said and then walked away. Italy just stared at the door, that America had walked out. After almost a minute, Italy's eyes filled up with tears and he started to cry. Because there were a couple of other students in the room some started to look at Italy. One student stood up and went over to Italy and kneeled down by his table.

"Vhat happened?" Austria asked with worry.

"A-America said th-that he's going to rape-a m-me!" Italy cried out.

"I'm sure zhat Germany von't let zhat happen" Austria said reassuringly.

"Wh-what if-a he isn't here? Like-a now, and America hit on-a me and scared me!"

"Zhen I'll be here" Austria smiled "I von't let anyvon huzt jou"

"Thank-a you!" Italy said with a smile, even though he still had tears in his eyes. Italy then hugged Austria tightly. Austria chuckled awkwardly while he patted Italy softly on the back. Italy then let go of Austria. Austria stood up.

"Just look for me if jou're scared und Germany isn't zhere" Austria said and then he walked back to his seat on the other end of the classroom. A while passed and then Germany came and sat down beside Italy.

"Hi" Italy greeted cheerful.

"Hallo" Germany replied, and sounded a bit depressed.

"What's-a wrong?"

"I found out zhat Prussia vas planning to kill me"

"....oh.. what did-a you do?"

"I confronted him und zhen he said zhat he said it as a joke but I could tell zhat he vas lying, und even if he vas just joking it's still mean!"

"What will-a you do now?"

"I don't know.. I'll have to face him someday zhough.."


"Unless I run avay!" Germany turned to Italy "Let's run avay togezher!"

"I'd-a love to! But-a we have to go to Japan's wedding on-a Sunday"

"So ve'll go right after zhe vedding??"

"Yes, if-a you'll still want to"

"Okay! Zhen it's decided" Germany smiled "I look forvard to it"

"Me too" Italy said with a smile.

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