Chapter 74

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England walked towards the music room and there he saw Prussia and Austria. England entered the room.

"Excuse me but can I talk to you for a minuet Austria?" England asked.

"Umm, sure" Austria said and walked out of the room along with England. "Vhat is zhis about?"

"Why was France at your place and why did you two kiss?" England asked while he stared into Austria's eyes as if he knew what he was thinking.

"Vell, France came to me und asked me if it vas allzight to stay at mein house for a vhile. He said he needed some time to zhink und he couldn't afford to travel so he just stayed vith me. About zhe kiss.. I kissed him but after a vhile vas he zhe von who backed avay"

"Why did you kiss him?"

"I like Prussia und I'd razher kiss him but he probably likes Norvay more so I vanted to just get zhat kiss out of my system und France vas zhere so.. ja"

"So you were horny and decided to kiss my boyfriend?"

"Ja, it's like no von vants me at all! I just vant to get some action like everyvon else!!"

"Wow.. you're really desperate" England said and smirked slightly.

"Ja, I know okay!! I'm going back inside" Austria said as he turned around and walked back into the room. England then walked away.

"Vhat vas zhat about?" Prussia asked curious.

"Can I ask jou somezhing?" Austria asked, ignoring Prussia's question.

"Ja, sure"

"Aze jou going out vith Norvay?"

"Nein, vhy?"

"Just vondering.." Austria said as he walked towards Prussia and sat down beside him.

"I haven't talked to him for a vhile" Prussia then said.

"Vhat's so unattractive about me?" Austria looked into Prussia's eyes "vhat makes him better zhan me?"

"I.. I'm not sure"

"Is zhere somezhing annoying about me?"

"Not zhat I know of"

"Do mein clothes look veird?"

"No, zhey're kinda nice actually"

"Is somezhing vrong vith mein hair?"

"Nein, it looks very soft"

"Is somezhing vrong vith mein face? Mein personality? Mein glasses??"

"Zhere's nozhing vrong vith jou!"

"Zhen vhy don't you love me?" Austria asked with a sad tone.

"I don't know" Prussia replied.

"... I have an idea"


"Let's play a game" Austria suggested.

"Okay, vhat game?"

"I ask jou yes und no questions und jou have to answer zhem honest und fast"

"Allzight" Prussia smirked "who vill start?"

"I'll start asking" Austria stated and Prussia nodded in approval.

"Okay.. do jou like bird-"


"Do you like blu-"


"Are jou stupi-"


"Do you love me?"


"Do jo-.... vait.. vhat?"


"Jou said ja"


"Jou love me!"

"I do?"

"Jou said ja!!"

"Oh.. okay zhen"

"Vhy did jou say jou didn't??!" Austria asked annoyed.

"I vasn't sure! I'm still not sure!!"

"Zhen how aze jou going to be sure?!?"

"I don't know!!"

"Just make up j-" Austria was cut off by Prussia pressing his lips against Austria's. Austria's eyes widened and he froze for a moment. Prussia then backed slightly away, so their faces were only a few centimeters apart, and gazed into Austria's eyes lustfully.

"I definitely felt somezhing right now" Prussia said quietly. Austria smiled warmly and gazed back into Prussia's eyes.

"Me too" Austria and Prussia then leaned forward and their lips collided in a passionate kiss.

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