Chapter 42

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It was around noon when Prussia woke up in Canada's house. He was exhausted after the fight he had with Canada the night before. He stood up from the couch. Canada had made him sleep there because he didn't want to be in the same room as him and Prussia was to tired to walk home.

"Canada?" Prussia called out as he walked around the house. "He must have gone out". Prussia then heard a faint voice outside. He walked up to the door and tried to hear better.

"It was really nice to just talk like that" said Canada as he stood infront of his house.

"Yeah, we should defenetly do it again"

"Okay, bye"

"Bye" America smiled and then walked away. Canada turned to the door and reached foor the doorknob.

"Oh scheiße" Prussia quietly sweared to himself as he saw the doorknob turn. He ran to the livingroom and managed to jump and land on the couch just as Canada opened the door. He walked inside and closed the door behind him. He walked to the couch where Prussia was pretending to sleep.

"I know you're awake" Canada said annoyed. Prussia sat up.

"Okay. Vhere vere jou?!"

"I went out"

"Vhere out?"

"To a cafè with America" stated Canada.

"Sure" Prussia replied sarcasticly.

"Wait.. do you think I'm cheating on you??!"

"Aze jou?!"

"No!!" exclaimed Canada offended.

"Vhere's jour proof?"

"PROOF?!! I WAS WITH MY BROTHER!!!" Canada managed to shout.

"Calm down! Jou don't need to be s-"

"No!! You know what!!" Canada cut Prussia off "I'm done"

"Vhat do jou mean done?" Prussia asked.

"I'm done with your bullshit! The only thing you're good at is ecxpecting the worst from people and assuming you're just some frigging god compared to everyone else and that you're better than everyone but you know what?!! Fuck you and your selfishness!!!!" Canada exclaimed angrily.

"HEY!!! JOU AZE NO BETTER ZHAN ME UND FUCK JOU TOO!!!!" Shouted Prussia back. Canada glared at Prussia.

"Get out of my house you self loving freak!!" Canada commanded.

"I vas going to anyvay!!" Prussia replied angry and stormed out of the house, slamming the door shut behind him. He hurried home. When he was finally there he closed the door behind him and sat down against it. He then started to sob quietly.

Turkey and Greece were at Turkey's house, making everything ready for the party that was going to be that evening.

"Why are you throwing a party though? Is there a reason?" Greece asked out of nowhere.

"I just want to see everyone get drunk and do stupid things because it's hillarious and fun" stated Turkey and grinned.


"Why do you ask?"

"Because I wanted to know" Greece replied. "Do you like someone?" He then asked.

"Ofcourse I like someone!" Turkey replied "I like alot of people"

"No, I mean do you have a crush on someone or even love?"

"... not really.."

"I think you do"

"STOP ASKING STUPID QUESTIONS!!" Turkey shouted and was getting awkward.

"Relax, it was only a question" Greece said calm.

"Well it was a stupid question, ok!"

"Okay, Whatever"

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