Chapter 110

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America hurried to the cafeteria to meet up with Prussia.

"Hey, dude!" America greeted as he sat down at a table, across from Prussia.

"Hallo" Prussia replied smiling.

"I heard that Russia was in the bathroom with England!! And I also heard something else!"



"Vhat else did jou hear??!"

"I heard that Russia did a deal, or something like that, with England that Russia has to screw him again but Russia doesn't even want to talk to England!! And then I heard that China asked Russia to get back together after England left!!!" America whispered to Prussia.

"Oh mein gott!! How did jou find zhis out??!"

"They were all standing by some corner near the stairs and I was pretending to text someone while standing in the stairs! I don't think they even noticed me!!"

"Or mabye zhey vere just too stupid to zhink zhat somevon might be listening!"

"Yeah! But what do we do now?"

"Ve could just see vhat happens?"


"Can I ask jou somezhing?" Prussia then said.


"Vhy are ve focusing so much on zheir relationship? Is it just for fun or is it mabye because.. ve might have a problem in our own?" Prussia asked.

"What?? No, not at all.. dude" America said kind of awkwardly. Prussia took America's hands as he looked into his eyes.

"if zhere is a problem zhen please just tell me" Prussia pleaded soothingly. America looked away from Prussia.

"Well, it's just that I don't really.. trust you" America said quietly.

"Jou don't trust me! Vhy??"

"I trust that you're saying the truth when we are just talking like this but.." America stopped.


"I'm kind of afraid that if I will someday agree to have sex with you then you will be too rough and will just hurt me and then you'll leave me" America said quietly.

"Do jou really zhink zhat's vhy I'm vith jou?"

"How should I know!! You keep asking me to do it!!!" America exclaimed and then buried his face in his hands.

"Alfred.." Prussia removed America's hands from his face, cupped his chin and lifted it up so he could see America's face. Prussia then gazed into his eyes "I get vhy jou vould zhink zhat after how I treated jou but I've changed now. Zhe moment vhen jou said jou loved me back I knew zhat I couldn't, even if for some reason mein life vould depend on it, hurt jou. I vant to be vith jou for as long as I live! Mein life could never be avesome vithout jou!" Prussia said with total sincerity "Because I love jou vith all mein heart"

"I'm sorry I doubted you" America said with tears in his eyes "and I love you too!" America then leaned forward and pressed his lips against Prussia's.

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