Chapter 191

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After class.
Canada met up with Germany in the cafeteria.

"We can't let Prussia get to Iceland!" Canada said with a serious look on his face.

"Vhy not?" Germany asked.

"Because Iceland is in danger!"

"Since vhen do jou care about Iceland?"

"...Okay, I just hate Prussia and don't want him to be happy.. ever" Canada smiled "And I want you to help me"

"Umm, okay. He's not all bad zhough"

"You're just saying that because he's your brother"

"Nein, he is actually an okay guy"

"Okay..? Okay?! He is not okay! He's horrible!" Canada said annoyed in his usual low voice.

"He has really gotten better zhough"

"Why do you keep defending him?! You have a crush on him or something??"

"Of course not! He's not even mein type" Germany replied awkwardly.

"What is your type anyway? You've been with totally different guys! Italy who is a cheerful cute guy, me who is pretty silent and kind of distant sometimes or whatever, Russia who is a creepy asshole and then you used to be in love with Prussia who is a super selfish douchebag!"

"I don't really know vhat I vant.." Germany said quietly "I don't zhink I like just von specific type"

"Are you interested in someone right now?"

"Nein, are you?"

"Kind of"


"I'm not saying that I have a crush on him or anything, just that he seems like an interesting person" Canada said.

"Who is it?"


"But he's vith England, isn't he?"

"Yeah, but I can still think about him"


"I don't have a crush on him though!"

"Ja, sure"

"...Okay mabye a little" Canada said as he blushed a light pink.

"Zhat's good...?"

"But anyway, how's the Russia thing going? Has he talked to you since he confessed?"

"Nein, I zhink he's just going to be vith America"

"What if he tries to sleep with you while he's still with America?" Canada asked curious.

"I'll sleep vith him" Germany replied casually.

"What?! Why would you do that??"

"Because zhen I'd make sure zhat America vill find out about it so he dumps Russia und he'll come running to me"

"I thought you didn't like Russia.."

"I don't, he's just hot"

"Oh... okay then. I never thought you were the kind of guy to think about looks"

"I tried dating a nice guy but zhat didn't end vell"

"What happened between you and Italy anyway?"

"He zhought I didn't love him anymore because I vas alvays vith mein bruder, he zhought I vas in some sexual relationship vith Prussia or somezhing. I also vasn't zhere to protect him vhen he got raped by America" Germany started to feel ashamed "I should have spent more time vith him"

"Wait..." Canada's eyes widened "My brother raped Italy!?!?"

"Ja, he's just as fucked up as Prussia"

"Wow... I can't believe it"

"Mabye jou should talk to him"

"Yeah, I really should" Canada said as he stood up "I'm gonna go now". Canada walked across the cafeteria to the table where America and Russia sat together. Canada sat down beside Russia, across the table from America.

"Umm.. hello, dude" America said a bit surprised.

"How the hell could you rape Italy??" Canada asked, totally ignoring Russia's presence.

"Oh... I-uh.."

"I kind of get why you did it to Prussia since he did it to you, but how the hell could you do it to someone as innocent as Italy?! He never did anything to you!"

"I don't really know why I did it"

"God damn it! You really should just cut your dick off if you're only going to use it to rape people!!" Canada exclaimed angry.

"Oh.." America's eyes widened in shock.

"I'm not going to talk to you again so bye" Canada said as he stood up and then stormed out of the cafeteria.

"I never thought I'd say this but..." Russia said quietly "I agree with Canada. If you're just using your dick for something bad you should just cut it off"

"I am not going to do that!!"

"Atleast consider it"

"DUDE!!! What the fuck?!!"

"Just saying..."

"Well, if you're going to use your dick for cheating then you should cut yours off!"

"But it's the reason why guys are willing to be with me" Russia said in an almost whiny tone.

"You're pathetic"

"Would you have done it with me if I had a tiny dick?"

"Well.. I don't know"

"What do you like most about me?"

"Your eyes"

"What about my personality?"

"Uhm.. I like, uhh... that you're.. nice and..... good" America said awkwardly.

"See! I have nothing that you find attractive, except for my eyes. That's why I have to have a dick"

"Okay, but what do you like about me? You have to say something about my look and my personality" America demanded.

"You're really handsome, you have a great body, you can be really loving and romantic, you're fun to be with, you have a good sense of humor and you're usually a good person" Russia stated.

"If I'm so good then why were you trying to get with Germany??!"

"Because you've been kind of a egotistical jerk lately"

"You're an egotistical jerk!" America argued.

"I know, but you are too"

"Then we're both egotistical jerks.."


"That makes us like a perfect pairing! If we're both egotistical and jerks then we can be like that together!" America said cheerful.

"I guess" Russia said as he smiled slightly.

"Fantastic!" America said with a wide smile.

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