Chapter 45

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Germany entered his house and closed the door behind him. He walked straight to his bedroom, changed to his usual pajamas and then lay down on the bed. Still wearing that blank expression on his face.

The next day.
It was monday morning as Prussia had packed all his things and was ready to move out. He left a note for Germany and then walked out of the house.

Germany woke up about 20 minuets before the school started. He got dressed and walked to the kitchen. On the table saw he a note. He picked it up and read what was written.

Bruder. I've packed up all my stuff and moved out. Don't expect to see me anytime soon because I quit school and am now gone. I hope you aren't mad at me because of last night but I can't handle the thought of what people will say. I think it's for the best that I'm gone. I'm so sorry I left like this and I hope you'll forget about me and live a long and happy life.
mit Liebe, Preußen.

Germany just stared at the letter and read it over and over. He then realized he'd be late for school so he took his bag and went to the door. He stood for a moment and thought. He then walked to the kitchen again, took the note from Prussia and threw it in the trash. Then he hurried to school.

China was walking to school and then felt a presence behind him. He looked back and stopped walking.

"What do you want Russia?! I haven't told anyone!!" Said China with fear in his voice.

"I'm not here to hurt you" Russia said as he walked closer to China "I was wondering if it would be okay if I talk to you"

"... are you bipolar or something??!" China asked confused. Russia ignored the question.

"I'm really sorry for what I did to you, I have no idea what came over me. You didn't deserve what I did to you and I apologise. I hope you will be able to forgive me but I understand if you won't and if you want to hit me back I will let you hit me as much as you like. You may do whatever you want to me, even kill me. But if you don't want anything to do with me I will go and not bother you again" said Russia with a sincere look as he gazed into China's eyes.

"Why should I trust you?!"

"You shouldn't, not after what I've done to you but I really hope you will atleast consider to forgive me" Russia said and then walked away.

"Wait!" Called China after Russia. Russia turned around.

"I know what you could do to make everything up to me"


"I'm going to ask you several questions and you have to promise to tell me the truth, it doesn't matter if the answer could hurt my feelings or not. I just want the truth" stated China.


"Was it all just an act or did you have real romantic feelings for me??"

"I did like you, I still do, it's just that i've been dealing with some difficult problems and because you were there I took them out on you"

"Then why did you write in your book that you didn't like me?!"

"I was trying to convince myself I didn't and the same thing when I turned you down. The truth is... that I love you but I couldn't handle it"

"Then why were you with America? What is your problem??"

"After America cheated on me I knew I would never look or think of him the same way again but when he asked me to get back together, even though I was over him, I said yes. I needed a distraction from you. I needed to get over you"

"WHY THE HELL IS IT SO IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO GET OVER ME??!?!" Shouted China angry and a bit confused.

"Because I know you deserve better. Just look at how I've treated you even though I loved you! I'm a horrible person who does stupid things and I do not deserve someone as sweet and caring as you" said Russia as tears formed in his eyes and he kneeled on the ground "I shouldn't even be alive". China's eyes widened as he looked at the usual strong, confident and even threating Russian who was now kneeling with tears in his eyes and beggin for forgiveness.

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