Chapter 21

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After class asked China if Russia wanted to go to the cafeteria together. Russia accepted so they walked to the cafeteria, got food and sat down across from each other by a table.

"I was just wondering..." Russia began and China looked up from his food and at Russia

"What, aru?"

"Why are you being so friendly with me?" Asked Russia. China didn't say anything for while but just looked around and then at Russia.

"Because you seem like a nice guy and... I've kinda had a crush on you since last year but I was afraid to tell you before" China replied while blushing slightly.

"... I see.." Russia stood up "I have to go. I forgot I have to go do something so I'll see you in class, da" Russia then walked away.


Russia walked out of the cafeteria and into a empty classroom. He sat down on a table. He felt like he needed to be alone for a while. Russia really missed America but he couldn't bring himself to forgive him. Atleast not yet. As Russia was in deep thought he didn't notice when a person walked into the room.

"Ehm, excuse me but students aren't supposed to be in a regular classroom when there isn't class" stated the person. Russia didn't seem to hear him so the person walked closer. He didn't know it was Russia. The person patted Russia's shoulder "excuse me!". Russia turned around and when the person saw it was Russia he backed slightly away.

"I-I'm sorry I-I didn't know it was y-you" stuttured the person nervous. Russia glared at the person who stood infront of him.

"...Hello England..." Russia said with obvious anger, even hate, in his voice

"H-hi" replied England "how are you doing?"

"Not so good since you screwed my boyfriend the other day... who's actually my ex-boyfriend now" replied Russia.

"So you two are exes now? Then you wouldn't mind if i'd ask America out?" Asked England. Russia stood up and walked over to England. He then took him up by his collar and held him up against the wall.

"I don't really care what you do you worthless piece of garbage but if you ever talk to me again I will make sure those words will be your last" Russia said calmly while grinning as purple aura surrounded him. England nodded and Russia let him go. "I'm glad you understand" Russia said and smiled his normal calm smile and England then ran away. As England had left the room walked Russia slowly over to the table he had been sitting on. He then took it up and threw it across the room. He then did the same with five more tables until a teacher walked in and took him to the principal's office.

"Why did you throw tables around the classroom mr. Braginsky?!!!" Asked the principal angry

"I'm really sorry. It won't happen again"

"You bet it won't!!! You're just lucky you didn't brake anything or you would have been expelled!!"

"So I won't get expelled?" Russia asked hopeful.

"Atleast not today. But you will have to do three hours detention after school today!! You may go now" the principal allowed

"Thank you" Russia said as he stood up and walked to the door.

"And no more flipping tables mister!!!" Warned the principal

"Da" Russia then walked out of the office.

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