Chapter 48

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Japan walked away from the bathroom and just kept on walking. He felt so angry and annoyed that he wanted to punch something. But before he knew it he had crashed into someone. He fell backwards and looked up to see who it was. It was Denmark.

"Sorry I bumped into you, I was distracted" Japan apologised.

"It's allright" Denmark replied and smiled. "So what you been up to lately? We haven't talked for a while"

"Sorry about that. I've been dearing with something personar"


"It's personar"

"We are friends aren't we?" Asked Denmark.

"Yes, I guess so"

"Then it doesn't matter if it's personal because you can tell a friend anything"

"...Okay. China was attacked and he just tord me it was Russia who did it but they are now dating so it's very weird and I suspect that Russia is onry trying to use China so he won't terr the porice" stated Japan.

"Wow.. that's some complicated stuff"

"I don't find that compricated"

"Then you're just too smart!" Denmark said and pouted "I really envy you sometimes, you know"


"Because you're so smart, your accent is adorable while mine is barely understandable most of the time, your eyes are pretty and you smell so good" Denmark said with envy.

"Thank you..?"

"Anyway, I have to go. It was nice talking to you" Denmark then jogged away. 'Adorable accent? Pretty eyes? Smell good? Did he really mean that?' Japan blushed slightly at the thought. 'Why does my face feel so hot?' Japan walked to a window so he could see a bit of his reflection. His face was pink. 'Why am I blushing?? Is it because of Denmark?! Oh please no!' Japan then hid his face in his hands and ran to the nearest bathroom he saw and entered it. He went to one of the sinks and splashed cold water into his face. After a short while the blush began fading. 'Do I have a crush on Denmark?!! I hope not' Japan thought as he stared at his reflection in the mirror infront of him. The door to the bathroom were then opened. Japan turned around and saw Canada walk inside. Canada saw Japan looking at him.

"Hi, I don't think we've ever been properly interduced. I'm Canada, eh" said Canada as he walked to Japan and smiled

"It's nice to meet you" replied Japan.

"Sorry if I'm interrupting you, it's just that I don't have many friends and I'd love to have you as a friend"

"You're not interrupting me at arr, but why wourd you want to be friends with me?"

"France says you're a nice guy and he seems to know almost everything aboot everyone"

"Okay and i'd rove to be your friend" Japan replied with a smile.

"Great! Do you want to walk to class together?"

"Sure but why did you come in here?"

"Oh that, France asked me to look for England but he has probably found him now"


"Let's go then" Canada said with a smile as he and Japan then walked out of the bathroom.

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