Chapter 44

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Prussia spun the bottle and it landed on Germany. Everyone in the circle froze.

"haha, incest" China then said in hope to brake the awkward silence.

"well I guess you have to... kiss?" England said a bit confused.

"but ve're bruders so do ve really have to?!!" asked Germany awkward.

"yes!" replied Canada.

"uhh, can it be on zhe cheek?" asked Prussia.

"no, on the mouth" Turkey stated.

"I guess ve'll have to.. kiss zhen..." said Prussia as he crawled to Germany and was now sitting infront of him and the brothers were really awkward.

"I uhm" Germany started but then Prussia cupped Germany's chin and pressed his lips against the other ones passionatly. Germany's eyes widened and his cheeks turned bright pink. The other countries who saw this just sat there and stared at the two brothers.

"oh my god.. they actually did it.." whispered America to China.

"this is weird" whispered China back to America. Prussia was still kissing Germany who started to kiss back. Prussia then pushed Germany down to the floor and lay on top of him, forcing his tounge into Germany's mouth roughly and he let Prussia explore every inch of his mouth.

"uhh, this is just confusing..." said England and was extremely confused like the rest of the countries. After a while broke Prussia the kiss and got off Germany. He stood up and then ran away without saying a word.


"N-NEIN!!! JUST SHUT UP JOU DOUCHENOZZLE" shouted Germany back as he stood up and then ran after Prussia. He ran to Italy who was even more drunk than before.

"did jou see vhere Prussia vent??!" Germany asked in a hurry.

"relax Germany! He-a ran to-a that room over there" replied Italy and pointed towards a closed door at the end of a hall.

"zhank jou.. und vill jou please stop drinking so much? Jou vill embaress jourself"

"I'll-a worry about-a that later" replied Italy and waved his hand at Germany. Germany ignored it and ran to the room Italy had pointed at. He knocked on the door.

"Prussia? aze jou in zhere?"

"nein, go!"

"I'm coming in" Germany said as he opened the door. He walked inside and closed behind him. He saw Prussia sitting up against a wall with his knee's to his chest and he seemed to have been crying.

"Vhat's vrong?" Germany asked as he sat down beside Prussia.

"Don't jou get it?!? Now everyvon vill zhink ve're some incest freaks und no von vill talk to me again! I know jou zhink I'm avezome und vouldn't even need friends but I really do need some or I vill flip out!!" said Prussia as he tried to keep from crying.

"I had no idea jour social status vas so important to jou"

"It is. How can I call mein self avezome if zhere's no von to hear it. Zhen I'll just be a lozer vith no friends. No von vill zhink I'm avezome because I vill be known as zhe guy vho makes out vith his own bruder... a freak"

"I'd still zhink jour avezome zhough. Doesn't zhat mean somezhing?"

"I DON'T CARE ABOUT JOU ANYMORE!! JUST GO AVAY UND LEAVE ME ALONE FOREVER!!!" Shouted Prussia. Germany felt like his heart had just shattered into a thousand pieces.


"JUST GO ZHE FUCK AVAY UND DON'T TALK TO ME!!!!" shouted Prussia. Germany stood up and walked away without saying anything. He had a blank stare which seemed to lead into endless nothingness. He felt like he had no purpose. No reason for living. He walked out the door of Turkey's house and headed home.

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