Chapter 140

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Next class.
Spain walked into the classroom and sat down beside China.

"Hi.. Where's Holland?" China asked.

"He's somewhere" Spain replied.

"Somewhere where??" China asked curious.

"Just.. somewhere" Spain said as he smiled.

"Okay, aru.."

"But how are you?"

"I'm good, what about you?"

"I've been better"

"What happened?"

"It's just that.." Spain's eyes teared up as he took a deep shaky breath.

"What is it?? Did something bad happen??" China asked worried.

"It-it's nothing" Spain smiled faintly "excuse me" he said as he stood up and then walked out of the room. China turned around in his seat to face Germany and Canada who sat behind him.

"Did something happen to Spain?" China asked.

"I don't know" Germany replied.

"I heard he was the one who ran to help Russia and stop the bleeding, so mabye he's just in shock after all that blood yesterday?"

"It seemed to be something more personal, aru"

"Just ask him if jou vant to know"

"But he just said nothing was wrong, even though he was clearly crying, and then he just left!"

"Zhen don't bozher him" Germany stated.

"You are a total dick you know! You clearly don't give a shit about anyone but you and mabye your brother who is now in jail for nearly killing a guy just for you!! I feel really sorry for Canada for having to put up with your constant negativity!!" China exclaimed and then stood up to go after Spain.

"..Am I really zhat negative?" Germany asked quietly.

"Well.. you're not exactly what people would call a cheerful person.." Canada said and chuckled awkwardly "..sorry"

"I shouldn't be so negative, it can have a bad influence on zhe people around me und I don't vant zhat to happen!"

"Then just get someone who's constantly happy or something"

"Like Itzaly?"

"Mabye not someone that's so hyper, more like calm happy"

"Like jou?"

"Germany.. this isn't working"


"I don't feel like we're really a couple but just friends so mabye it's better if we would be just friends so we can both find someone that makes us truly happy, and to do that you need to find a happy person! Someone who can cheer you up when you're feeling down and someone to warm you up at night"

"...Aze jou trying to get me to be vith Russia..?"

"Whaa- no, not at all!" Canada said awkwardly.

"Just tell me"

"I really meant that thing about being just friends just so that's clear!"

"Alzight, ve're only friends now" Germany stated.

"See!!" Canada exclaimed.


"Now I will tell you why you should be with Russia!"


"First: you are perfectly fine with this break up but still want to be friends because you like me but just don't want to be my boyfriend which might suggest that you have a thing for someone else! Second: after Russia tried to seduce you, in a really weird way, and Prussia was asking who it was you first didn't want to say it like you were a little kid in the second grade who has a crush on someone. Third: earlier you asked me twice in two minutes if I thought that Russia would be alright! And last, fourth: the time when you just accepted to go to Russia's house and screw him just because someone asked you to do it! This is too obvious" Canada stated.

"I.. nein"

"Don't deny it, it's too late for that now"

"But he vould be zhe dominant von und I don't vant to be dominated!!" Germany exclaimed.

"Come on! You've been fucked in the ass two times and that's the only two times you've fucked! It's destiny" Canada said as he smiled.

"Vhat kind of a destiny is zhat?!"

"Your destiny"

"But I heard once zhat England fucked Russia, und England vas zhe von on top!"



"Okay but Russia has been with America and China too where he was definetly on top and he's probably been with Prussia too"

"Vhy Prussia??!"

"Almost everyone has been with Prussia, that's just how it is, and between Russia and Prussia I would say Russia was on top because Prussia must like being the bottom sometimes.. mabye"

"Zhis is a really veird conversation.."

"So you're the bottom"

"I vill prove jou vrong!"

"So you're already planning on doing it with him" Canada smiled "that's sweet"

"Nein! I vas just saying zhat!"

"When are you going to visit him at the hospital?"


"After school?"

"Nei- ja"

"I knew you liked him!"

"It doesn't matter"

"You will be so.. tall together" Canada said in wonder.

"Please stop zhinking about zhis" Germany said annoyed.

"How do you want the wedding dress to be? White? I bet you'll be the prettiest bride in the world!"

"I'm a man!!"

"So? You can still wear a dress" Canada stated as he smiled sweetly.

"Mein gott" Germany murmured as he facepalmed.

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