Chapter 8

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I bumped into France on my way out of the school.

"Sorry" I said and was going to continue walking but he grabbed my jacket making me stop.

"Hey.. are you allright? You seem sad somehow" he asked

"Well... it's just that I think Russia likes me and I like him but Prussia keeps getting in my way and he said something erlier to Russia which made him act so quiet and unhappy and I just don't know what's going on" I replied with a hint of confusing and sad tone

"I could talk to Prussia if you want" France suggested in a comforting tone "he's always been kind of troubling and it's time for him to stop"

"Thanks" I replied quietly. France nodded and walked away. I walked out of the school and towards home. When I entered my house my little brother Canada greeted me cheerfully

"Hey, guess what, eh!" He said excited

"What?" I replied with a smile

"I met an amazing guy today!! And he's really handsome!!!"

"That's nice dude! Where did you meet him?"

"By the coffee shop down the street. I was buying coffee and when I took out the money I was going to pay with, it fell to the ground so I had to pick it up and he was behind me in the line and offered to assist me and then after he helped me pick up all the coins he demanded to pay for the coffee himself. Then we talked for a while and we have much in common!!!"

"Sounds like a pretty decent dude"

"He is" Canada said while smiling

"What's his name?" I asked curious

"It's... oh maple, I forgot to ask!!!"

"Well you'll probably meet him again later"

"I hope so"

~the next day~

I met with France outside the school and he asked me to come with him somewhere. I just nodded and we began walking towards room 107.

"Why are we going here?" I asked

"Prussia wants to say something to you" France replied as we stood outside the room "now in you go" he pushed me inside and closed the door. About five meters infront of me stood Prussia. I was going to walk away but the door had been locked and Prussia spoke up.

"I'm sorry." He said. I turned around and saw him on his knees. "I am zo sorry. I don't know vhat came over me!! I have never done somezhing like zhat before and I am zo sorry jou vere zhe one I did zhis to!! Jou didn't deserve to be violated like zhat!!! No one does!!" He cried out with tears in his eyes "I didn't used be like zhat!!!" He continued "I hope jou vill someday find it in jour heart to forgive me". My eyes widened in shock. Did he really mean that. Prussia stood up and walked to me and stopped when he was only half a meter infront of me "I am zo sorry" tears streamed from his eyes and down his face. He then hugged me thightly. I gasped in surprise. He then quickly backed away "I'm sorry, I'll go now" he then ran out of the room leaving me in a massive state of shock and confusion.

~after school~

On my way back from home I decided to go to the coffee shop that Matt (Canada/Matthew Williams) had told me about yesterday. I entered the shop and walked to the counter. To my surprise was Russia working there.

"Oh.. hello. I didn't see you at school today" I said

"I've decided to take a brake from school" he replied smiling "how have you been?"

"Fine. Prussia apologised to me today"

"That's nice of him. Oh and speaking of Prussia isn't that him with that guy over there?" He pointed at a table in the back. I looked in the direction that Russia pointed towards

"Yeah... and that guy seems oddly familiar"

"Ok but I'm about to go on my brake. Would you care to go somewhere to eat with me?" Russia asked cheerfully. I looked at him

"Sure" I smiled and then we walked out of the coffee shop together.

When I got back home from the coffee shop I heard Canada talking on the phone

"I'd like it if we could meet again soon, eh. .... yeah that's fine by me .... ok.. bye" he hung up the phone and smiled. I walked to him

"Who was that?" I asked curious

"The guy from the coffee shop. I met him again today and he told me his name and phone number"

"So what's his naaame?" I asked playfully

"It' Gilbert Beilschmidt. I think it's german"

"So you landed a sexy german stud" I replied and chuckled a little

"W-well I wouldn't say that I landed him but he is a "stud" as you call it" replied Canada shyly.

"Haha okay dude. I'm gonna go study" I said as I walked up the stairs and to my room.

-end chapter-

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