Chapter 10

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~Germany's POV~

I could hear the moans from Prussia's boyfriend all the way to my room. I sighed and stood up. I then walked outside and to Italy's house. When I came to his house I knocked on the door and he anwered quickly.

"Ciao Germany~" he said as cheerful as usual

"Can I come in?" I asked


"Thanks" I replied as I walked inside. We went to his room and sat down side by side on his bed.

"I need help vith somezhing"

"What?~" Italy asked curious

"I really like one guy but I don't know how to tell him. And beside it vould be kinda veird and awkward" I said shyly

"Who-a is it~"

"Vell actually... it's mein bruder.. Prussia"

Italy's eyes opened wide and he stopped smiling "you-a are in love with your-a brother?!"



"Vell it's very embarrasing so please don't tell anyvon!!!" I pleaded

"I-a promise"

"Vell... a veek and a half ago Prussia came into my room and asked me if I thought he vas good at... having sex. But of course I didn't have any idea und zhat vas vhat I told him. But zhen he offered to show me und he just jumped on me und kissed me. I tried to push him off but he vas so strong so he vas able to... get his vay vith me, if jou know vhat I mean. At first vhen he entered me I tried even more to push him off but zhen I just gave up and let him do vhat he vanted just to get it over vith. But zhen I started to enjoy it. He gave me zhe best orgasm I have ever had but after he vas done he just asked me if he vas good und zhen he valked avay. Since zhen he's acted like it never happened but it meant somezhing to me und I vant to feel him hold me again." I said awkwardly and blushed. Italy stared at me in shock

"Your-a brother... raped.. you and you-a are now in love with-a him?!?!?" Exclaimed Italy in surprise

"Shh!! Don't yell like zhat!! Und ja.. zhat is vhat is going on" I replied while looking Italy straight in the eyes. After a awkward moment of silence spoke Italy up

"I-a might know a way for-a you to get over him" he then said quietly but determined "you-a could run away with-a me and in time you-a would forget all about Prussia". My eyes widened in shock and I jumped of the bed

"Vhat do jou mean?!?!!"

"Please... just run away with-a me!!" Italy cried out "I..."

"Jou vhat?"

"I love-a you Germany and I want to be-a with you!!! So please-a run away with me so we can be-a happy together forever!!!!" Italy pleaded. I backed away

"I-I zhink I need some time to zhink!" I said and then ran out of Italy's room and then his house. I can't believe Italy felt like that!! I would mabye go with him but I love Prussia to much to just run away and forget him. I stopped after running almost two miles. What should I do?

-end chapter-

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