Chapter 122

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Russia walked back to the classroom and was about to sit down in his seat but he saw England sitting in it.

"What are you doing here?" Russia asked.

"I wanted to talk to you"

"About what?"

"Did China tell you that he cheated on you?"


"Aren't you mad? Weren't you just shocked that he would do that to you?" England asked with a smirk.

"I already knew about it"


"France told me yesterday"

"That wanker always ruins everything!"

"Atleast he succeeds unlike you" Russia said as he sat down in the seat beside England.

"I don't care about that!! What happened with you and China?"

"We are on a break"

"So you're free to fuck anyone?"

"If I could choose between fucking you and eternal torture I would choose the torture"

"Mabye you're just an masochist"

"If I am that then you are a sadist"

"Then wouldn't we be perfect for each other!"

"I think I'd enjoy hurting you, more than being hurt by you" Russia said as he smiled.

"That can be arranged" England said seductively.

"I was kidding. I don't want to touch you, I could be infected by your crazy sickness"

"Love makes you do crazy stuff"

"How did you get so crazy? You seemed like a normal guy when I first met you"

"You are the one that makes me crazy"


"I want you to screw me" England whispered seductively into Russia's ear.


"Wait.. seriously!!?"

"I did agree to do it, even though I really don't want to. I try to stand by what I say"

"Okay, you meet me by the magic club room after school"

"Magic club?? Are you a nerd?"

"No!! We do real magic in there"

"I don't even know if that was supposed to be sexual or not.."

"It isn't! I'm going now" England said as he stood up from the seat "talk to you later" he then walked away.

After class.
Russia walked to the cafeteria and sat down on a table with Latvia and Estonia. America then came up to them.

"Hey dudes" America greeted with a smile.

"Hi, what do you want?" Russia asked as he smiled back.

"Can I talk to you for a moment"


" private"

"Okay" Russia said as he stood up and then walked away with America. They walked out of the cafeteria and went to the garden outside the school.

"I want to ask you something and it's pretty personal"


"What happened with you and Prussia??"


"But he told me that you two used to date"

"And everyone said I was dead but was that true?"

"Well, no"

"There was never anything between me and him" Russia said as he smiled.

"Oh.. okay" America said "thanks anyways dude, bye" America then walked away. After America had gone away faded Russia's smile and he hurried into the school. He saw Germany and walked up to him.

"Where is Prussia" Russia asked.

"I don't know" Germany replied "mabye vith his freunds in zhat club he's in"

"Okay, thanks" Russia said and then went to the room where the bad touch trio usually hung out. Russia entered the room and saw Prussia just sitting on some table and doing something on his phone.
"Can I talk to you Prussia" Russia asked Prussia with a creepy smile on his face.

"Oh scheiße" Prussia whispered to himself as he stood up. "Is zhere anyzhing I can help jou vith?" Prussia asked.

"I need to talk to jou" Russia said calm.

"Alzight, vhat is it?"

"Why did you tell America that we used to date?"

"He asked und I couldn't lie to him!"

"Did you tell him that other thing?"

"Nein! Und I won't"

"Okay, thank you, bye"


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