Chapter 90

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(Quick author's note; I've been wondering if I should end this story soon because it's getting quite long. I'm not sure though, to be honest I don't even know how I could end it but I could try anyway if you think this is getting too long. I could also just continue this for like ever but I just want to know what you think I should do because I honestly do not know...
I also want to thank you wonderful people for reading this ^_^ It means alot to me.)

About a week later.
Russia entered the hospital, went to the counter and asked where England's room was.

"Are you Russia?" The woman behind the counter asked.


"The patient said that Russia wasn't allowed to visit him and that I should call security"

"Oh.. I'm not Russia" Russia lied.

"How can I be sure you're telling the truth?"

"Do I fit the description he gave?" Russia asked.

"Well.. The patient said that Russia has a scarf, purple eyes, that he's tall, he talks with a thick Russian accent, his hair is grayish blonde and he also said something about a big stupid nose" the woman replied "it seems to me that you fit the description.. except I wouldn't say that your nose is stupid"

"I'm not Russia but his brother.. Ukraine.." Russia said and smiled.

"I always thought Ukraine was a girl" the woman said, not believing Russia.

"Nyet, I'm Ukraine and I'm a guy" Russia stated "I just look alot like my brother Russia"

"Allright" the woman sighed "just go, he's in room 113"

"Thank you" Russia thanked the woman and then walked away.
After a few minuets of walking around found Russia the room. He walked inside and closed the door behind him. He then turned to England and smiled.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here you git?!!" England exclaimed in kind of a raspy voice.

"I came to apologise" Russia stated and walked over to the hospital bed where England layed and sat in a chair beside it.

"I'm not going to forgive you!! You tried to kill me!!!"

"I won't do it again"

"...Why are you apologising?"

"I want to"

"No, you want to kill me! Did someone make you come here?!!"

"Not really"

"Was it China??!!!" England asked annoyed.

"Why would you think that?"

"Because unlike you he has a soul!!"

"I have a soul"

"Yeah right" England said doubtful.

"Can't you just forgive me? I promise to leave then"

"Why do you want this so much?!"

"China won't talk to me until you forgive me!" Russia said annoyed.

"So you're saying that if I forgive you then you can go back to China and continue in trying to pursue him but.. If I don't then he won't talk to you and I'll have him all to myself" England said with a smirk.

"Would you really do that just to have a better chance with China?"

"Of course!! I'd even kill you but that's way to difficult.. But you... you were so stupid that you actually thought that attacking me would help you" England chuckled "you're so fucking despicable"

"You know what? I don't care if you won't forgive me, I'll manage to get China somehow" Russia said and then walked to the door "I hope you'll soon die" Russia smiled and then walked away.

China was at Japan's house.


"Hai?" Japan replied.

"Can you call Russia and ask if England has forgiven him?" China asked.

"Why don't you just carr him??"

"I promised that I wouldn't talk to him until England forgave him" China stated. Japan sighed and walked over to the phone.

"What's his number?" Japan then asked. China walked over to the phone and dialled the number. "thank you" Japan thanked.

"China?" Russia answered.

"No, Japan"

"Oh.. why are you calling from China's phone?"

"He asked me to ask you if Engrand has forgiven you"

"Can I talk to China?"

"He says he can't tark to you"

"What if you hand him the phone and I'll just talk?" Russia suggested. Japan turned to China.

"Is it arright if he just tarks to you but you not to him?" Japan asked. China nodded. "Okay, I'm giving the phone to China now" Japan said and then handed China the phone.

"Privet" Russia began talking and China just listened "I tried to talk to England but he said he will never forgive me, which I guess is understandable, but he also said that it's mostly because that if he doesn't forgive me then you will never talk to me again and then you just talk to him. I love you so much China! If you do not want to talk to me again I will understand but I really hope that you will. I know I've said this many times before and then not stood by it but now I really mean it and I swear on my life that I will not hurt you! I will not ever again do anything that might make you sad! I will love you for as long as I live, even in the afterlife I will love you more than everything! I promise that if you someday decide to talk to me and give me another chance to be with you then I will never let you go!! I just want to be with you! I'd do anything for you! If I had to choose between all the sunflowers that I could possibly have and you, I would choose you without any regret!! So please.. don't choose England over me" Russia pleaded "that's what I had to say.. I'm not sure if you're still there but okay, bye" Russia then hung up the phone.

"What did he say??" Japan asked curious. China turned to face Japan again. Japan's eyes widened as he saw China's eyes filled with tears. "What's wrong?"

"I can't do this anymore!!" China cried out.

"Do what??" Japan asked a little confused.

"I have to talk to Russia!!" China said as he walked to the door.

"What about Engrand??" Japan asked.

"I don't care anymore!" China then walked out of the house and began running towards Russia's house.

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