Chapter 26

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Spain and Holland entered the school just as the next class was starting. They ran to the classroom and managed to sit down at a table beside Italy and Japan just as the teacher walked in.

"Phew, that was close" Spain whispered. He looked around and saw everyone sitting in pairs. 'Is everyone pairing up or something?' He thought. He then saw Germany sitting in the back at a table in one corner... alone. Spain continued looking at Germany. 'He seems so sad..' Spain thought. He then looked at Holland who seemed very un-interested in what the teacher was talking about.

"Psst, Tim" Spain whispered to Holland. (A/N there isn't an official human name for holland/netherlands but Tim is a potential name for Holland among few others. Tim was just the easiest to remember)


"Have you noticed how lonely Germany seems?"

"I haven't really paid much attention to it" Holland whispered back.

"Hmm.. ok"

After class all the students began to put their books in their bags and then leave the room. Holland and Spain were finished packing their stuff in their bags.

"Can we go now?" Holland asked.

"You can go I need to do something first. I'll see you later today" Spain replied

"Okay" Holland said and then walked away. Spain walked up to Germany

"Hola amigo~" Spain greeted with a smile on his face. Germany looked at Spain.

"Hallo" Germany replied

"How are you?"

"I'm good.. vhy aze jou asking?"

"You seem kinda sad so I wanted to ask to see if you were okay" Spain said in a bit of a worrying tone. Germany said nothing for a minuet and just stared at Spain.

"... vhy do jou zhink I'm sad?" Germany then asked

"You are just sitting alone in the corner and you don't seem very happy" Spain stated "so I was wondering if there's a reason for that"

"I just... haven't been feeling vell" Germany stood up from his seat "danke for caring zhough" he said and then left. Spain just stood still for a while but the followed Germany out of the classroom.

"Is it because of Prussia?" Spain asked as Germany continued walking. He pretened not to hear Spain.

"I know what happened between you two" Spain then called. Germany froze. His eyes wide open. Spain walked to Germany and he now stood infront of him. Spain could see the horror in Germany's eyes.

"I'm sorry for shocking you like that but I don't want you to be sad anymore. So if you feel like you need someone to talk to, a person who will not judge you, you can come to me and I will listen and try giving any advice you need" Spain said. Germany didn't reply. He just stood still and seemed to be staring into nothingness. Spain began to walk away.

"How do jou know zhat?" Germany then asked quietly but loud enough for Spain to hear. Spain turned around.

"Prussia told me"


"A while ago"

"Do jou know if he told anyvon else zhan jou?"

"I don't think he did" Spain replied.

"Okay... goodbye zhen" Germany walked away.

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