Chapter 84

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America walked out of the bathroom 'why did I have to run into Prussia?! And what the hell was with that long awkward stare!?!' America thought as he hurried to class. America entered the classroom and sat down in his seat beside Russia. A short while later walked Prussia in and sat down beside Austria.

"Why did you go?" Russia asked curious.

"I needed to go to the bathroom" America said as he looked over to Prussia who was sitting across the room from him. To his surprise was Prussia looking back at him so America looked away.

"Okay" Russia said and started studying.

"Yeah... okay.." America said quietly.

After class went Russia out and America followed him. Russia and America walked to the cafeteria and sat down by a table. Russia looked around the room while America gazed at Russia. When China entered the room stood Russia up and went to China, leaving America who now felt rejected. America then stood up and walked out of the cafeteria. 'stupid Russia, just loving China but not me!' America started to get angry 'I'm not even going to bother talking to him anymore! I'll get over him!!' America started walking faster 'Next time when he talks to me i'll just ignore that.. communist!!' America turned around the corner but then he crashed into someone and fell backwards, so did the person. America saw it was Prussia.

"Watch where you're going, dude!!" America exclaimed.

"Calm down! Jou vere zhe von valking too fast!!" Prussia replied.

"I don't care! Just get away from me!!" America said angry as he stood up and was about to walk away.

"Vait!" Prussia grabbed America's arm.

"What?!" America turned around and then it happened again. That awkward stare. 'Why is this so awkward?!' America thought 'is it mabye... oh god no..'. America pulled his arm away, making Prussia loose his grip. America's eyes widened 'this can't be happening! Not with him!!'

"Is somezhing vrong?" Prussia asked.

"No!" America replied quickly "nothing!!" America turned away from Prussia. 'Please make this go away!!!' America started having difficulty with breathing. 'I think I'm going to-' it's like everything stopped with America as he saw Prussia gazing into his eyes, their face's only a few inches apart from each other.

"I'm sorry allzight!" Prussia backed away "I don't vant jou to have a panick attack or somezhing so please calm down" Prussia then said with a soothing tone.

"O-okay" America said quietly.

"Good" Prussia turned away "bye" he said and then walked away.
Prussia went straight to the music room and entered.

"Hallo" Austria greeted.


"So.. do jou zhink ve'll ever start dating? or vill this just be like two friends who shared a passionate kiss und zhen act like it never happened?!" Austria asked a bit annoyed.

"I don't know"

"Prussia.." Austria walked up to Prussia and cupped his cheeks "I can't keep vaiting for somezhing zhat might or might not happen. If jou don't zhink zhat ve'll vork out zhen please just tell me, don't make me vait"

"I vant to be vith jou but... I'm not really sure vhat I should do vith my life right now or if being vith jou is zhe right choice"

"I see..." Austria backed away "if jou really feel like zhat zhen just go" Austria said as tears formed in his eyes "I'll be fine"

"Aze jou sure?"

"..just go" Austria said as he turned away from Prussia. Prussia walked out of the room 'I hope he won't be sad for long' he thought as he walked away.
Prussia walked through the halls, up stairs and to the roof. He walked over to the edge and sat down. He looked up at the clear sky and started thinking. 'Was it right to reject Austria? I'm not even sure if I like America.. but when I touched him I felt something like a connection and when I looked into his eyes I felt like I belonged with him' Prussia leaned a bit forward 'but if I tell him that then he'll probably think I'm crazy' Prussia stood up and stepped away from the edge.

"I von't tell America" Prussia then said to himself. He turned around to walk to the door to get off the roof but he froze when he saw America standing only a few meters behind him.

"Tell me what?" America asked.

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