Chapter 145

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Germany had just finished a call with Prussia's lawyer and was now headed towards a classroom. Germany entered the room and sat down in the seat behind Russia's. Russia turned around in his seat to Germany.

"Why don't you sit with me?" Russia asked.

"I told jou earlier zhat I don't vant to be seen sitting vith jou!" Germany stated.

"You don't want to be seen with me? But.. aren't we lovers or something?? That means we should sit together, da?" Russia asked confused.

"I mean zhat I don't vant to because Prussia could find out!"


"So!!? Jou could be in dang-..." Germany stopped and sighed "..Alzight.. I'll sit vith jou"

"Yay" Russia cheered while smiling. Germany stood up, went to Russia and sat down in the seat beside him.

"But aze jou sure jou vant me to bail Prussia out??" Germany asked.



"He was just trying to protect you which is pretty nice of him, he could have skipped stabbing me though"

"So jou zhink it vas logical??!"

"You know well that there's not much that happens in this school that is logical in any way anymore"


"But I forgive him for attacking me"

"Jou're so sveet" Germany said as he smiled slightly.

"You can taste my sweetness if you want too" Russia said as he smirked.

"Vhat!? Don't say zhat!!" Germany exclaimed.

"Why not?" Russia leaned to Germany's ear "Are you afraid you'll want more?" He then whispered seductively. Germany blushed slightly.


"If you're not ready for it then I'll wait" Russia backed away "I will wait for as long as you want"

"Zhank jou"

"Anything for you, vozlyublennaya" Russia said warmly.


"Anyway, when do you think Prussia will get out?"

"Tomorrow or zhe day after zhat"

"Wow, that's quick. How was that managed?"

"Prussia has a very good lawyer"

"When will he be back at school?"

"Probably zhe day after he's released, I'm not sure"

"So then he will just be back and walking around school freely?"


"That's nice" Russia said and smiled to himself.

"I really don't get jou sometimes.." Germany murmured.

"You don't have to get me to love me" Russia said as he layed his head on Germany's shoulder.

"I never said I loved jou!!"

"But you do. You're just afraid to admit it, da?"

"Nein! I don't love jou! I just like jou" Germany stated. Russia didn't say anything for a moment but just stared at Germany.

"...Do you want to kiss me?" Russia then asked.

"Vhat?! Ve're in class!!"

"Do you?"

"I don't vant to do zhat in class!!"

"So you do want to, just not here" Russia said with a smile.


"And why is that?"

"I don't know, because I like jou?!" Germany replied a bit annoyed.

"How much do you like me?" Russia asked.

"I just like jou"

"I mean from 1 to 10, 1 meaning that you don't really like me and 10 meaning you really really like me and even love me"

"Uhh, 7? What about jou?"


"Vha- jou can't say zhat!!"

"Why not?"

"Because jou said it vas only 1 to 10!!"

"But I really really like you twice" Russia stated.

"Vhat zhe hell does zhat even mean!?!?" Germany asked confused and annoyed.

"I love you"

"But jou can't just break zhe rules!!"

"I can if I like you more than just 10 because otherwise it does not mean anything and doesn't make any sense and I love you, not just like you, so I can say 20 but you just said 7 so why should it matter to you? I wanted to s-"

"SHUT UP!!!" Germany shouted, cutting Russia off, as he jumped up from his chair. Russia just stared at Germany with a surprised look, and so did everyone else in the classroom.

"..Wh-" Russia started but Germany then crashed his lips against Russia's, making Russia moan slightly in surprise. Everyone in the classroom was in shock as Germany cupped Russia's face with his hands and deepend the kiss. A while later broke Germany the kiss and gazed into Russia's eyes, still cupping his face.

"I don't know for sure if I love jou yet but I'm pretty sure zhat I vill soon" Germany smiled slightly "but zhat von't happen until jou stop talking so much"

"A-alright" Russia stuttured, still shocked and was now blushing. Germany let go of Russia and sat back down in his seat.

"Zhank jou" Germany thanked.

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