Chapter 41

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After almost a minuet managed Japan to shake it off and he rushed over to the bed where China lay in blood covered clothes and sheets and was unconscious. He lay his hand on China's chest. He could feel it slowly go up and then down again.

"Okay, he's breathing" Japan shakily sighed in relief. He then walked over to the phone and called an ambulance.

Almost an hour passed till the ambulance finally came and took China away.

The next day.
It was a sunday morning and Turkey was hanging up posters on the windows of a cafè nearby the school. It said anyone who wants to come is allowed as long as they were a student of World academy. Greece walked up to Turkey.

"Are you going to invite just everyone?" Greece asked calmly.

"Hi Greece and of course! It wouldn't be much of a party if there weren't a bunch of people there" Turkey stated. As he finished the sentence walked America and Canada past Greece and Turkey.

"Hey guys! Party at my house tonight!!" Turkey shouted after them.

America and Canada walked into the cafè. America bought coffee for him and Canada and then they sat down by a table.

"So, how's life been?" America asked.

"Good, how about yours?" Canada asked in reply.

"It's good. But hey! You know what happened to China yesterday?!!"


"Apparently someone beat him up and his shoulder is a mess!" America said with a serious tone.

"Oh my.. why would anyone do that??" Canada asked shocked.

"I have no idea. Japan called my phone last night and told me he was in the hospital and he sounded like he was totally stressing out!" America replied

"Well that's understandable" Canada replied. "But are you seeing someone?"

"Like dating?"


"Nah, there's no one I'm that interested in really" America replied.

"I think you and Japan would be a really cute couple" Canada said and smiled.

"W-well I don't know about that" America said awkwardly and blushed a little "besides he isn't interested in me like that"

"People are known to change their minds you know" Canada stated.

"I guess. But how's it going between you and Prussia?"

"Not so good. We were arguing last night" Canada replied quietly.

"I'm pretty sure everything will work out"

"I'm not sure.. and since when did you stop hating Prussia??"

"I still do but you seem to really like him so there's nothing I can do but support what you decide to do... unless it's something extreme" America stated.

"Extreme?? Like what?" Canada asked curious.

"Like if you decied to do something life threating. Just anything that could hurt you"

"Thank you" Canada smiled and America smiled back.

Japan sat at China's bed side and held his hand softly.

"Prease don't die" Japan cried quietly.

"Aiya! I'm not going to die after something like this like a little sissy!!" China stated annoyed as he sat up.

"China!" Japan smiled.

"Hey, aru" China said and smiled.

"Who did this to you?!!!" Japan then asked.

"Umm... that doesn't matter" China replied.

"WHAT!! IT DOES MATTER!!!" Japan shouted frustrated.

"Shees! Calm down!!" China exclaimed "I have a headache"

"I'm sorry but if you don't want to terr me then atreast terr the porice!"

"I.. can't" China said quietly.

"What? Why??!"

"Because otherwise he'll do something worse" China replied.

"Worse? Rike what?" Japan asked impatient.


"Kirred! You have to terr the porice! They can protect you!!"

"No.. he'd find out and get me!"

"Who is he??!!!"

"It's nobody" China replied. Japan leaned forward so his face was about ten centimeters from China's and he had a serious expression.

"Was it Russia?" Japan asked quietly.

"NO!" China lied "why would you think that??!"

"No reason rearry. Just wondering" Japan said as he backed away. "I have to go now".

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