Chapter 91

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China ran as fast as he could to Russia's house. After almost half an hour of running was China finally there. China took a moment to calm down and to make his breath go back to normal. He then knocked on the door and waited, he felt as if his heartbeat got faster with each second he waited. A moment later came Russia to the door. His eyes widened as he saw China standing infront of him.

"China.. did England forgive me??" Russia asked a bit confused but also happy that China was there.

"No, It's just that.. I haven't talked to you for a week and I already feel like I'm about to go insane!! I miss you and I couldn't live another day without you!" China hugged Russia thightly "I hate what you did to England and even though he won't forgive you I still love you! I love you so much!!!" China cried out as tears formed in his eyes.

"I love you too" Russia said quietly as he hugged China back "and I'm glad that you're talking to me again"

"Me too" China said and smiled to himself.

The next Monday.
England was released from the hospital on Saturday and he was now ready to continue school.
He entered the school just before the bell rang. He walked to the classroom and sat down in the seat beside China.

"I see you aren't with Russia" England said as he smirked slightly.

"No.. he's in the other class now. He was moved because he attacked you, and he has one hour detention for everyday of the month. Even on the weekends" China said.

"Sucks for him"

"How are you doing?" China asked to change the subject.

"I'm okay, my ribs are getting better and I have plenty of bandage over the hole in my stomach" England said and smiled. "What have you been doing? I haven't heard from you since my second day at the hospital"

"I've just been doing the usual stuff"

"And what's that?"

"Just hanging with Japan and, uhh, talking to Russia and I talked with France who says that he misses you"

"...You talked to Russia?"

"..yes, allright!"

"Oh.. okay then"

"I'm sorry but I just had to talk to him!" China stated.


"Because I love him!" China replied.

"I see... well, I bet he will screw things up again" England said calm.

"He won't!"

"How do you know?"

"I JUST DO!!!" China accidentally shouted so the whole classroom went silent.

"Okay!!" The teacher stood up and exclaimed over the classroom "I'm sick of you people just talking whenever you want! That is not how class is supposed to be!! Yao Wang you just got yourself an hour of detention! Go to room 215 after school!!!"

"Allright, I'm sorry" China apologised. 'Atleast I get to spend some time with Russia alone' China thought.

After school.
China entered room 215 and sat down by a table. A few other students were there, Russia, Prussia, Turkey, Belarus, Poland and Switzerland. Belarus sat beside Russia who seemed to be shaking a little, Turkey and Prussia sat together and then Poland and Switzerland.

"You just sit there while I go get me some coffee" the teacher said and then walked out of the room. Immideatly after that started Prussia talking loudly with Turkey who talked just as loud, Poland walked over to Russia and started talking about how totally cool it would be if Warsaw would become Russia's capital while Belarus kept asking Russia to marry her.

"What kind of a messed up place is this??" China asked himself quietly.

"Hey!! Vhy aze jou here China??!" Prussia shouted over the room.

"Shouldn't we be quiet?"

"The teacher won't come back, he probably just went home already" Turkey stated.

"Oh.. okay"

"But anyvay!! Tell us vhy jou're here!" Prussia demanded.

"I accidentally yelled in class" China said calm.

"HAHAHA!!! Zhat's veird!!"

"How did you get here?" China asked Prussia.

"I have an idea!!! Let's all say vhy zhe fuck ve're here!!" Prussia exclaimed.

"YES!!" Turkey agreed.

"Okay!! I'll say now!! I vas in class und everyvon vas getting zheir grades from zhe last test. I looked at mine und it vas very low und zhe teacher vrote zhat it vas not at all good. So I stood up und told her how avezome I vas und zhen she just sent me to detention!" Prussia said while trying to sound innocent.

"I just like told a teacher that her outfit was like totally last summer and she got like offened or whatever and sent me here" Poland said casually.

"I said the principal was dumb to his face" Turkey said and laughed.

"I threatend some dude with my knife and a teacher saw it" Belarus said.

"Vhat about jou Russia?!! Vhat did jou do??" Prussia asked as he looked at Russia.

"I just had a fight with someone" Russia said.

"What did you do Switzerland?" China then asked.

"A teacher found my gun" Switzerland said casually.

"Where was it??" China asked curious.

"In my hand"


About 45 minuets later was the detention over for the day.

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