Chapter 76

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China just stood still for a while but then he knocked on the door. Ukraine opened the door again.

"What?! Aren't you going to go??"

"I'm sorry but what did you mean by countries aren't supposed to die? Do you mean that they're not supposed to like it shouldn't happen but does anyway? Or that they aren't able to die? Unless their whole nation is defetead" China asked.

"They can't die unless the whole nation is defetead, he jumped off a roof so he should be okay because it won't kill a country. You could cut his throat and he won't die, the same with all countries!"

"Then where is he??!"

"I don't know! Just go away" Ukraine cried out and then slammed the door shut again. China started walking home with the same question floating around in his head. 'if he didn't die then where is he??'.
When China was home he went straight to the phone, picked it up and dialled Japan's number. Japan quickly answered.

"Hai?" Japan said.

"Japan! Can countries die?"

".... I'm pretty sure they can.."

"But not if they simply jump off a roof? That can't kill a whole country!! Not as big as Russia!!!" China exclaimed into the phone.

"Carm down! It is a possibirity that a country might be abre to survive that kind of farr but that doesn't mean that Russia is arive! We were at his funerar"

"But.. the casket was closed! What if there was no body inside it!! What if Russia faked his own death!!!"

"You saw him die!! You can't just say he's now arive!!"

"But what if the doctors revived him and he asked them to not tell anyone and then he ran away!!"

"The doctors wourdn't do that. It's irregar!"

"Mabye Russia payed them!"

"With what money?!"

"He has plenty of money!!"

"Rook China! You shourdn't be thinking about this, he's dead and you have to accept that"

"No! He isn't dead!" China exlaimed and then hung up. 'I will find him!!'

The next day.
America sat by a table in the cafeteria eating his lunch. He then noticed China and Japan walk in and they seemed to be arguing. America got curious about what could be so important that it made those two argue. He stood up and walked over to them.

"He dudes! What's up?" America greeted. Japan and China suddenly both stopped talking and just stared at America.

"Nothing.." China said.

"Nothing at arr.." Japan added.

"Just tell me, I won't tell anyone" America said.

"No, sorry" Japan said as he took China's arm and walked away.

"Let go of me!" China said as he realesed himself from Japan's grip.

"You shourdn't terr anyone about what we tarked about! Everyone wirr think you're crazy!" Japan stated.

"Okay, I have to get to class though" China said and then walked away. He walked straight to the magic clubroom where England was. He entered the room and luckily England was the only one there.

"England!" China said as he hurried over to England who was folding a cape.

"Oh, China! Hey" England greeted.

"I just realized something huge yesterday!"


"Russia might be alive!!"

"..Russia? How??"

"Countries aren't supposed to die like everyone thinks he did! I think he faked his own death!!"

"Allright.. let's say he did, but why would he?"

"Before he jumped he said that he didn't want to hurt me anymore"

"So.. mabye he made you think he was dead so he could go away and you'll get on with your life instead, without him bothering you?"


"Then shouldn't you just let him be and you live your life?" England asked.

"But I want him in my life! He wouldn't hurt me again!!"

"How can you be so sure"

"I just am! But I was wondering if you'd be willing to come with me to look for him!"

"What if he really is dead?"

"He isn't!!"

"I'll think about it" England said. "But you really need to calm down"

"I'm calm now" China said calm.

"Good" England said and smiled.

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