Chapter 184

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The next class.
Russia was sitting at some table when he felt someone touch his shoulder. Russia looked behind him and saw Estonia.

"Um, excuse me" Estonia said hesitantly.

"What?" Russia asked.

"I was wondering if I could sit with you" Estonia said and smiled awkwardly "but if you're waiting for America then I'll just go" he then added.

"Of course you can sit with me" Russia said and smiled "America's in another class"

"Okay, thank you" Estonia said as he sat down. Russia looked back at his book. Estonia just stared at Russia while thinking.

"Why are you staring at me?" Russia asked without looking at Estonia.

"Oh, I-uhh.." Estonia looked away "I wasn't staring"

"Is there something wrong?"

"No, not at all!" Estonia replied nervous.

"Did something happen?"

"No, no"

"Hmm.." Russia looked at Estonia and stared into his eyes "Are you sure?"

"Y-yes! Hundred persent!" Estonia chuckled even more nervous. Russia leaned closer to Estonia, his face was now only a few centimeters from his.

"Are you suure??" Russia asked again but now in a teasing way with a smirk.

"Okay!" Estonia pushed Russia back "I had a weird dream last night.."

"What happened?"

"I was outside the school, in the garden. I was just walking around and then I saw you.."

"And what was I doing??" Russia asked curious.

"You were just standing there... naked" Estonia said as a light blush spread across his face.

"Naked?? Why??"

"I don't know!"

"Well.. did you like what you saw?" Russia said and smirked again.

"I-uh, I didn't.. unlike it..." Estonia said as his blush got darker.

"Was my.." Russia leaned awfully close to Estonia "thing, if you know what I mean, big?" Russia asked as he wiggled his eyebrows.

"W-what?!" Estonia jumped up from his seat "W-why would you ask something like that?!!"

"I was just wondering"

"Well, you shouldn't! Atleast not about this!"

"Just sit down"

"No! I'm going!" Estonia said as he turned from Russia.


"What?" Estonia looked back.

"Have you seen my scarf anywhere today?"

"Hmm.." Estonia thought for a while "I think I saw it when Germany opened his locker earlier today.

"Okay, thank you" Russia said with a warm smile. Estonia just blushed more and then hurried away.

After class, Russia walked out of the classroom and went to Austria who stood outside the room for some reason.

"Hi, I was wondering if you know where Germany's locker is" Russia said.

"Vhy vould I tell jou?" Austria asked as he glared at Russia.

"Because I asked..?"

"Go avay!"

"Do you not like me? Or do you just hate everyone?"

"Leave me alone!"

"All right, all right.. I was just asking" Russia said and then walked away. After a while of walking around the school, Russia saw Germany and Prussia. Russia quickly hid behind the corner to avoid being seen.

"I just have to use zhe bazhroom so jou'll vait out here" Germany said as he walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Prussia just stood still. Russia sneaked up to Prussia and quickly covered his mouth and dragged him away.
Russia took Prussia into some empty classroom and made him sit down on a chair.

"If you scream I'll hit you" Russia said as he removed his hand from Prussia's mouth.

"Russia??" Prussia asked.


"Vhy zhe hell aze jou kidnapping me?!"

"I want my scarf back and I heard that Germany has it in his locker but no one will tell me where it is" Russia stated.

"Who did jou ask?"



"Just Austria"

"Jou idiot! Austria vouldn't tell anyvon about anyzhing!"

"Then you tell me"


"But you have to!"

"Nein, I don't"

"I'll break your legs"

"Fine, I don't care" Prussia said as a smirk formed on his face.

"How can you be so confident? I'm holding you in a empty room with no one near it, I'm threating you and you're blind so it must be hard to defend yourself!"

"I'm going to tell jou a little secret" Prussia said as he stood up.


"I'm not actually blind" Prussia said and chuckled "I recovered zhe morning after Germany tried to kill me"

"Does he know that?"

"Nein. I realized zhat if I vant him to hang out vith me I'd have to act like I'm veak und helpless, so he won't start to zhink zhat I'm going to rape him or somezhing again. Und vhat's even better is zhat he's so guilty zhat he refuses to leave me! For zhe first time in so long, he actually vant's to be vith me!"

"You are messed up" Russia said as he backed away, towards the door.

"I don't give a scheiße" Prussia walked to Russia, pushed him to the wall and then pinned him against it. "But if jou tell anyvon vhat I just told jou.." Prussia grinned "I vill kill America, Ukraine und Belarus while I make jou watch"

"I won't tell anyone" Russia said.

"Good" Prussia let go of Russia "I have to go back now" Prussia said as he walked out of the room.

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