Chapter 66

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Germany and Canada had been talking for what seemed like forever.

"It's really fun talking to you" Canada said as he gazed at Germany.

"jou too but I have to go home, ozhervise mein bruder vill get annoying" Germany said as he stood up.

"Oh yeah.. Prussia"

"ve should do zhis again sometime" Germany said.

"I'd love to" Canada said with a smile. Germany smiled slightly back and then walked away. He went straight towards his house, thinking about what Prussia had been doing. 'I hope he didn't cause any trouble for anyone' he thought as he opened the door to his house.

"Bruder! I'm home" Germany announced.

"d-don't come into zhe livingroom!!" Prussia exclaimed in reply. He made himself fall to the floor and then crawled towards his pants.

"vhy?" Germany walked to the livingroom "vhat az-" Germany froze as he saw Prussia crawling towards his pants. "WAS ZUM TEUFEL!!!! VHAT AZE JOU DOING?!! VHAT HAPPENED??!" Germany shouted as he ran to Prussia, grabbed his pants and handed them to him.

"Verdammt! I told jou to not come here jou idiot!" Prussia said with tears still streaming down his face.

"vhat happened to jou?!" Germany asked worried as he kneeled beside Prussia.

"I.. I vas going to do it vith America, very gently, to prove zhat I'm not alvays rough but zhen he flipped me und destroyed mein arsch!"

"... vhy vere jou going to do zhat??"

"Because I'm not bad at fucking! And I'm not a pervert!!" Prussia exclaimed.

"jou can be a little pervy"

"Don't say zhat! I'm better now!"

"Based on zhe situation I zhink jou're not"

"But America did zhis!"

"I know but jou brought him here und probably made him agree"

"Who's side aze jou on?!!"

"Neizher" Germany stood up "Jou can be kind of pervy sometimes but zhat doesn't mean zhat I approve of vhat America did"

"Vhatever! Just help me up" Prussia said annoyed. Germany helped Prussia stand up and walked with him to his room.

"jou can go now"

"don't treat me like I'm jour servant!"

"vhat if I do?"

"Zhen.. I don't know" Germany walked to the doorway "just don't do it" he then walked out.

The next day.
Prussia walked towards the music club to meet up with Austria. Austria had asked him to come there to discuss something.

"hallo" Prussia greeted as he entered the room.

"ja, hi" Austria replied.

"so.. have jou been practising on zhe piano?" Prussia asked.

"Don't change zhe subject!"

"vhat subje-"

"I know vhat happened vith America!"

".. Did Germany tell jou?"

"of course he did! He also told me about vhen jou raped America! Vhy don't jou tell me anyzhing?!"

"I didn't zhink it concerned jou"



"It does concern me!"


"because I care about jou!!"

"since vhen??"

"since alvays!"

"vhy aze jou telling me zhis now??"

"because I'm trying to tell jou zhis before jou just run avay again jou dummkopf!!!"

"I'm kind of confused though.."


"Jou rarely talk to me und vhen jou do, jou just tell me I'm stupid or zhat I'm doing somezhing vrong!"

"I do zhat because I love jou!!"



"vell.. jou aze very random today..."

"I seriously love jou!"

"aze jou drunk?"

"NEIN!!" Austria shouted. He then went over to Prussia, put one arm around his waist and the other hand on his cheek "ich liebe dich, Preußen" Austria then whispered to Prussia just before he leaned forward and kissed him passionatly on the lips. Prussia's eyes widened. After a while backed Austria away.

"I really love jou und I hope jou'll someday feel zhe same" Austria said calm and smiled warmly.


"I have to go now but I hope jou vill talk to me as soon as jou can"

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