Chapter 104

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America walked around wondering where Prussia was because he hadn't seen him since class was over, which was about 18 minutes ago. America then heard sobbing just around the corner. 'This sounds like a dude crying, probably just Latvia or something but whatever' America thought as he hurried to the guy and kneeled down infront of him.

"Are you alright dude?" America asked soothingly.


"Wait.. Prussia??" America said surprised. Prussia looked up at America with tear filled eyes.
"What happened??!"

"Germany h-hates me" Prussia stuttured.

"I'm sure he doesn't hate you"

"He s-screamed zhat he h-hated me und zhat he wished I v-vasn't his bruder!" Prussia cried out. America wrapped his arms around Prussia, who was shaking, and hugged him tightly. Prussia just continued sobbing.
After a while began Prussia to calm down and he stood up, releasing himself from America's arms.

"Let's go to class now" Prussia said quietly.

"Are you sure you don't want to just go home? You should probably just get some rest and think things over or something like that" America suggested.

"I can handle it, let's just go"

"Oh, okay dude" America replied as he and Prussia walked to class.

Germany was now sitting in class beside Canada and was studying.

"Is something wrong?" Canada whispered to Germany.


"Are you sure? You seem so.. stiff somehow"

"I'm allzight, I'm just zhinking about somezhing"

"What are you thinking aboot?" Canada asked curious.


"Oh.. did he say something?"

"Nozhing important"

"How is Prussia? I haven't talked to him for a while"

"He's probably fine"



"Allright.. is something going on between you two?" Canada asked a bit worried.

"Nein. Vill jou now stop asking about Prussia, please" Germany asked kind of annoyed.

"Yeah, Okay" Canada said kind of disapointed.
Behind Canada and Germany sat England alone. He just looked at the book infront of him blankly while thinking about something else when Russia sat down beside him. England looked at Russia.

"What are you doing here??!" England asked surprised "you aren't allowed to be in the same class as me!!"

"The teacher went away so I came here to talk to you" Russia said smiling "that's allright, da?"

"Yes, sure" England said, calming down "what do you want to talk about"

"Do you have feelings for me?"

"What kind of feelings are you talking about?"

"Do you have a crush on me?"

"Well, I wouldn't say that"

"Then why would you kiss me!? I've been thinking about this for a while and I just have to know why!"

"Well.. I, for some idiotic reason, thought that I could break you two up like that"

"You could have kidnapped me and locked me in a basement and make China think that I left again"

"..Is that what you would have wanted?"

"Nyet! But it would have made more sense to do that instead of kissing me" Russia said.

"But I couldn't do that! You're too heavy!"

"..Are you saying I'm fat?"

"What?! No! I didn't mean it like that it's just.."


"I couldn't carry you alone because someone would have seen me because I'm not very strong physically"

"So you don't think I'm fat?"

"Not at all! You seem like a very fit guy, with strong arms, nice legs, strong jaw... silky and soft hair that makes me want to run my fingers through it while I gaze into your deep purple eyes. Then I move my hand to touch your bare chest while I lean close to your face so my lips almost touch your soft ones and then..." England stopped talking and looked at Russia. Russia just sat there and his eyes were wide and he looked like he was really weirded out.

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